Richard Robichaux

Richard Robichaux

出生 : , Channelview, Texas, USA


Richard Robichaux


The Long Game
Don Glenn
In a segregated Texas, five Mexican-American teenage caddies were prohibited from playing at the country club where they worked. Against all odds, they formed their own team, built a one-hole course in the fields, and won the 1957 Texas State championship. Based on a true story.
When architect-turned-recluse Bernadette Fox goes missing prior to a family trip to Antarctica, her 15-year-old daughter Bee goes on a quest with Bernadette's husband to find her.
5年の刑期を終え、晴れて仮出所を果たしたデビー・オーシャン。かつて“オーシャンズ”を率いたダニー・オーシャンを兄に持つ、生粋の強盗ファミリーの一員だ。出所して早々、刑務所の中で考え抜いたプランを実行に移すべく、デビーの右腕となるルーと共に個性豊かな犯罪のプロたちに声をかけ“オーシャンズ”を新結成するデビー。集まったのはいずれも一流の才能を持ちながら冴えない生活を送っている、ハッカー、スリ師、盗品ディーラー、ファッションデザイナー、宝飾デザイナーたち。彼女たちのターゲットは、世界最大のファッションの祭典“メットガラ”でハリウッド女優(アン・ハサウェイ)が身に着ける1億5000万ドルの宝石! しかしそこには、網の目のように張り巡らされた防犯カメラ、屈強な男たちという世界一厳しいセキュリティが立ちはだかる。たった一秒の狂いが命取り。しかも世界中に生配信されるこの祭典のさなかに宝石を盗み取るという、前代未聞で型破りな計画は果たして成功するのかー? そしてこの計画に隠された更なるデビーの計画とはー!?
Amanda & Jack Go Glamping
With his marriage and career against the ropes, dejected author Jack Spencer travels with his wife, Amanda, to an isolated glamping retreat in search of a spark. When a surprise double booking finds their private retreat anything but private, Jack spins into a comedic exploration of love, lost dreams, small-town-wisdom, and friendship with a miniature donkey to get over himself before he loses all he holds dear.
巨匠リチャード・リンクレイタ―監督が12年の構想期間を経て描く、感動のロードムービー。 妻に先立たれ、2日前に息子が戦死した父は、耐え切れない悲しみの中、故郷へ帰る旅に30年間音信普通だった戦友を誘った―。 かつて共にベトナム戦争に従軍し、痛みを分かち合った仲間たちは、30年前に起きた事件をきっかけに大きく人生が変わっていた。今はそれぞれの道を歩む旧友三人組は、仲間に起きた悲劇をきっかけに再会し、親友の息子の遺体を連れ帰る旅に出る――。戦争で刻まれた喪失感。仲間との旅は心の殻を一枚ずつ剥いでゆくー。30年前の“ある事件”によって傷ついた心の再生と、人生が再び輝き出す姿が描かれる。
The Book of Love
After tragedy strikes Henry and Penny, he befriends a tenacious young girl and discovers she is constructing a raft to sail across the Atlantic to find her lost father. Together, along with some unlikely friends, they set forth to construct the vessel and subsequently rebuild their lives.
Mason's Boss
バーニー みんなが愛した殺人者
Lloyd Hornbuckle
In small-town Texas, affable and popular mortician Bernie Tiede strikes up a friendship with Marjorie Nugent, a wealthy widow well known for her sour attitude. When she becomes controlling and abusive, Bernie goes to great lengths to remove himself from her grasp.
Cougars, Inc.
When Sam learns his mother cannot afford to send him to another school after he is kicked out, he and his friends start their own escort service for mature women to pay for his tuition.
Foreign Exchange
Mr. Mink
Four high school friends plan to ride out their senior year taking easy classes, including a program for housing foreign exchange students and eventually all attending Ohio State. Hurdles befall each of the four: grades, higher aspirations, love. Is it the Foreign Exchange students that learn from their host or the hosts that do more of the learning?
Ready? OK!
The Boss
When 10-year-old Joshua (Lurie Poston) decides to join the cheerleading squad at his Catholic school, he faces an uphill battle -- and opposition from his single mom, Andy (Carrie Preston), who struggles to understand her Hollywood musical- and pom-pom-loving son. With the help of sympathetic neighbor Charlie (Michael Emerson), Andy attempts to embrace her son for who he is, not who she wants him to be. James Vasquez directs this touching comedy.
Flannel Pajamas
A study of a relationship that starts quickly, burns bright, and then gets rocky, not from any one thing, but from an accumulation of civilization and its discontents. Stuart is glib and generous, Nicole is shy and forthright. Is love enough to see them through?
Tony n' Tina's Wedding
Tony and Tina are excited to get married but they dread having the ceremony. Tina's mother and Tony's father used to be an item and neither parent has gotten over their bitter breakup. As everyone comes together to help plan the event, the parents cannot stop bickering and they are constantly at each other's throat. Adding to their woes are an eccentric photographer, a stubborn priest, unhappy bridesmaids and hung over groomsmen.