Gene Bozzi


Ice Grill, U.S.A.
Gene Tippet
"Ice Grill, USA" is a vivid yet stark examination of the pursuit of the American Dream. Set in the multicultural landscape of Atlantic City, NJ, IGU examines class struggle and the acquisition of status in a morally indifferent community.
Irresponsible party girl, Maggie is kicked out of her father's and stepmother's home—where she lives for free—and is taken in by her hard-working sister, Philadelphia lawyer, Rose. After Maggie's disruptive ways ruin her sister's love life, Rose turns her out as well. But when their grandmother, who they never knew existed, comes into their lives, the sisters face some complicated truths about themselves and their family.
Crown Acquisitions Employee
億万長者で会社経営者のトーマス・クラウンは、実は美術品を専門にする泥棒でもあった。彼はある日、メトロポリタン美術館からモネの絵画(San Giorgio Maggiore at dusk)を盗み出す。調査のために保険会社から派遣されたキャサリンは、トーマス・クラウンが犯人であると推理し、その証拠を挙げるために彼に近づく。