Shuhei Kamimura


The soldiers no longer know why they are at war, and when it even started. Daily and dutifully they march to the river and shoot at the opposite village from 9 to 5 – orders are orders after all. They’ve done so for decades. When private Tsuyuki is transferred to the marching band, people keep asking him what use music is in times of war.
Natsumi is proposed to by Yamato, a man who aims to become a fisherman to succeed his father. Her grandmother Kiyo, who raised her since a young age, broke her legs and uses a wheelchair now. Kiyo lives in a facility where Natsumi visits to tell her about the wedding. Natsumi suggests the idea of Kiyo walking along the wedding aisle with her, which encourages the week Kiyo. With that mindset, Kiyo regains hope and try to get better with the help of Natsumi
さいはてにて ~やさしい香りと待ちながら~
一心不乱にシナリオ執筆に励むものの芽が出ない女と、あまりシナリオを書いたことがないのに他者の批評ばかりする男が、シナリオスクールで出会ったことから巻き起こる騒動と恋の行方を、笑いと涙を交えながら映し出す。 次々と脚本コンクールに応募するものの、一次審査すらも通らない34歳の馬淵みち代(麻生久美子)。そんな彼女と同じシナリオスクールに通う26歳の天童義美(安田章大)は、自分の作品をほとんど書いたことがない割には、常軌を逸した毒舌で他人のシナリオを酷評する。そんな彼らが出会ってしまい、何と天童がみち代にほれてしまう。嫌味な自信過剰男だと自分を嫌うみち代に認めてもらおうと、ついにシナリオを書くことを決意する天童。意外な彼の真摯な姿に、みち代も心を開き始めるが……。
僕たちは世界を変えることができない。But, we wanna build a school in Cambodia.
Original Music Composer
A young Japanese man named Kota Tanaka (Osamu Mukai) works to raise money and then build an elementary school in Cambodia.
恋するナポリタン 世界で一番おいしい愛され方
Takeshi (Takashi Tsukamoto), an Italian restaurant chef, and Ruri (Saki Aibu) could have been lovers, but Takeshi was too comfortable with their current relationship that he chose to stay best friends with her. Now, Ruri is engaged to another man and Takeshi is deep in regret. He runs through the night of Tokyo to tell her his true feelings before it’s too late, but right as he stands in front of Ruri, an unfortunate accident takes his life away. However, a twist of fate brings them back together once again in an ironic situation. "Eternal First Love" unfolds as a bittersweet story of an everlasting "first love."
恋するナポリタン 世界で一番おいしい愛され方
Takeshi (Takashi Tsukamoto), an Italian restaurant chef, and Ruri (Saki Aibu) could have been lovers, but Takeshi was too comfortable with their current relationship that he chose to stay best friends with her. Now, Ruri is engaged to another man and Takeshi is deep in regret. He runs through the night of Tokyo to tell her his true feelings before it’s too late, but right as he stands in front of Ruri, an unfortunate accident takes his life away. However, a twist of fate brings them back together once again in an ironic situation. "Eternal First Love" unfolds as a bittersweet story of an everlasting "first love."