Alphonse Swinehart


Title Designer
A journalist and podcaster from New York City travels to West Texas in order to report on the death of a girl he was hooking up with.
Title Designer
 アンジェリーナ・ジョリーが、残忍な殺し屋と大規模な山火事から殺人事件の目撃者である少年を守る森林消防隊員を演じるサスペンス・アクション。マイクル・コリータのベストセラー・ミステリーを「ウインド・リバー」のテイラー・シェリダン監督が映画化。共演はフィン・リトル、ニコラス・ホルト、エイダン・ギレン、タイラー・ペリー、ジョン・バーンサル。  森林消防隊員として活躍するハンナは、過去のある出来事に関する強いトラウマに苦しんでいた。そんなある日、森林で監視中の彼女はたった一人で森の中をさまよう少年を発見し保護する。彼の父はある重大な秘密を握っていたために、2人組の暗殺者に殺されてしまったという。その暗殺者たちは、父から秘密を託された少年の命も狙っていた。暗殺者から少年を守るために動き出すハンナ。しかしやがて、非情な暗殺者が放った火が巨大な山火事となってハンナと少年に襲い掛かってくるのだったが…。
Main Title Designer
After an earthquake destroys their underwater station, six researchers must navigate two miles along the dangerous, unknown depths of the ocean floor to make it to safety in a race against time.
The Bygone
Main Title Designer
When a young rancher crosses paths with a Lakota girl from a nearby reservation, her mysterious disappearance sparks a search that uncovers a harrowing past and hints at a dire future.
クロール ―凶暴領域―
Main Title Designer
Main Title Designer
A group of eccentric assassins are fed up with Gunther, the world's greatest hitman, and decide to kill him – but their plan turns into a series of bungled encounters as Gunther seems to always be one step ahead.
Title Designer
Riding Light
In our terrestrial view of things, the speed of light seems incredibly fast. But as soon as you view it against the vast distances of the universe, it's unfortunately very slow. This animation illustrates, in realtime, the journey of a photon of light emitted from the surface of the sun and traveling across a portion of the solar system, from a human perspective. Liberties were taken with certain things like the alignment of planets and asteroids, as well as ignoring the laws of relativity concerning what a photon actually "sees" or how time is experienced at the speed of light, but overall the size and distances of all the objects were kept as accurate as possible. It was also decided to end the animation just past Jupiter to keep the running length below an hour.
Riding Light
In our terrestrial view of things, the speed of light seems incredibly fast. But as soon as you view it against the vast distances of the universe, it's unfortunately very slow. This animation illustrates, in realtime, the journey of a photon of light emitted from the surface of the sun and traveling across a portion of the solar system, from a human perspective. Liberties were taken with certain things like the alignment of planets and asteroids, as well as ignoring the laws of relativity concerning what a photon actually "sees" or how time is experienced at the speed of light, but overall the size and distances of all the objects were kept as accurate as possible. It was also decided to end the animation just past Jupiter to keep the running length below an hour.
Riding Light
Conceptual Design
In our terrestrial view of things, the speed of light seems incredibly fast. But as soon as you view it against the vast distances of the universe, it's unfortunately very slow. This animation illustrates, in realtime, the journey of a photon of light emitted from the surface of the sun and traveling across a portion of the solar system, from a human perspective. Liberties were taken with certain things like the alignment of planets and asteroids, as well as ignoring the laws of relativity concerning what a photon actually "sees" or how time is experienced at the speed of light, but overall the size and distances of all the objects were kept as accurate as possible. It was also decided to end the animation just past Jupiter to keep the running length below an hour.
Main Title Designer