Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Los Reyes County, Arizona. Leland, a retired lawman, works with Wallace, the new sheriff who replaces him, when a vicious hit man, sent by a Mexican drug cartel, threatens their border small town.
Executive Producer
An orphaned child's dreams—and nightmares—manifest physically as he sleeps.
Co-Executive Producer
Sadie and Kevin have decided to spend a romantic weekend together at his lake house. But when an unexpected- and unfortunate- text from her best friend Jennifer to Kevin reveals a lurid love affair between the two, Sadie spirals into a hunger for revenge.
Executive Producer
A woman tries to exonerate her brother's murder conviction by proving that the crime was committed by a supernatural phenomenon.
Executive Producer
Vince and Amy were the stereotypical high school power couple - Vince the captain of the football team, Amy the head cheerleader. Life after high school wasn't so charmed and now, eight years later, as Amy finishes law school she gives drug-dealing Vince an ultimatum - a sober life together or a drug-addled life alone.
An ex-con takes a job driving a truck cross country. What he doesn't know is that the truck is filled with illegal weapons and now he must fight to survive and save his family.
Co-Executive Producer
時は2058年、高度に発展した文明によって地球環境は破壊されてしまった。ジョン・ロビンソン教授(ウィリアム・ハート)とその家族は、人類生存のための新天地の惑星「アルファ・プライム」を調査する使命を帯び、宇宙へと飛び立った。 しかし、その宇宙船に同乗していたスパイ(ゲイリー・オールドマン)の工作によってナビゲーションシステムを破壊され、一家は宇宙空間で迷子になってしまう。