Patricia McDermott

出生 : , London, England, UK


Hair Department Head
オズの国から戻ったドロシーはオズの国の事ばかり気になり眠れない。ドロシーが流れ星を見た翌朝、めんどりのビリーナが庭に落ちていた"OZ"の印がある鍵を見つける。エムおばさんはドロシーに最新式の電気治療を受けさせようと病院へ連れて行き入院することになる。 その晩は激しい嵐にで電気治療が始まりかけた時に停電し見知らぬ少女が助けに現れる。ドロシーは病院から脱出するが、2人とも川の濁流に飲まれてしまい翌朝ドロシーが目を覚ますとオズの国に戻っていた。
スター・ウォーズ エピソード6/ジェダイの帰還
The Deep
A pair of young vacationers are involved in a dangerous conflict with treasure hunters when they discover a way into a deadly wreck in Bermuda waters.
A young, once-great Hollywood film director refuses to accept changing times during the early 1930s, and confines himself to his decaying mansion to make silent porn flicks.
Caravan to Vaccarès
Hair Designer
American Neil Bowman is traveling through France when he meets British photographer Lila. They are hired by French land owner Duc de Croyter to escort a Hungarian scientist to New York. But they soon realize that the job is not a cushy number, and have to deal with a gang of kidnappers who will stop at nothing to get their hands on the scientist
Nothing But the Night
When various trustees of the Van Traylen Orphanage begin dying in close order, it's at first written off as a coincidence. But, when a school bus accident very nearly takes out three more of them along with a group of orphans, Col. Bingham (Christopher Lee) and his pathologist friend, Mark (Peter Cushing), begin looking into the deaths. They come to think the answer lies with one of the girls on the bus, who has vivid memories of things she could not possibly have seen.
Fragment of Fear
A reformed drug addict travels to Italy to find out who murdered his aunt.
フランケンシュタイン 恐怖の生体実験
Blackmailing a young couple to assist with his horrific experiments the Baron, desperate for vital medical data, abducts a man from an insane asylum. On route the abductee dies and the Baron and his assistant transplant his brain into a corpse. The creature is tormented by a trapped soul in an alien shell and, after a visit to his wife who violently rejects his monstrous form, the creature wreaks his revenge on the perpetrator of his misery: Baron Frankenstein.
The Devil Rides Out
The powers of good are pitted against the forces of evil as the Duc de Richelieu wrestles with the charming but deadly Satanist, Mocata, for the soul of his friend. Mocata has the knowledge and the power to summon the forces of darkness and, as the Duc de Richelieu and his friends remain within the protected pentacle, they are subjected to ever-increasing horror until thundering hooves herald the arrival of the Angel of Death.