Alexander Yassin

Alexander Yassin


Alexander Yassin
Alexander Yassin


The consequences of the climate catastrophe are dramatic in 2034. Drought and floods destroy the livelihoods of millions of people. After the third storm tide in a row, the headquarters of the International Court of Justice in The Hague was evacuated. In a provisional interim building in Berlin, the climate catastrophe becomes the subject of legal proceedings. Two lawyers represent 31 countries of the global South, which are doomed to destruction without the support of the international community.
Start-Up Unternehmer
Charting the rise and fall of three corrupt real estate agents who accumulate absurd wealth in no time but fall into a vortex of fraud, greed and drugs.
Cut Off
A coroner finds a capsule in the head of a heavily mutilated corpse, containing a phone number and single word: the name of his daughter.
A mute man with a violent past is forced to take on the teeming underworld of a near-future Berlin as he searches for his missing girlfriend.
キュア 〜禁断の隔離病棟〜
Wall Street Banker (uncredited)
ウォールストリートで働く金融マンのロックハートが役員に呼び出されて会議室に向かうと、社長のロバート・E・ペンブロークからの「会社には戻らない」と書かれた手紙を見せられ、実際に休暇から戻ってきていないことを知らされる。ロックハートの不正に気付いている役員たちは彼に圧力をかけ、スイスの療養所まで迎えに行くよう命じた。 ロックハートが療養所に到着すると既に面会時間を過ぎていたものの、責任者と交渉して夜には会えるように取り計らってもらう。ロックハートは一旦ホテルに向かうため療養所から離れるが、途中でタクシーが鹿に激突して大事故になってしまう。
Das singende, klingende Bäumchen
The beautiful, cold-hearted and arrogant Princess is supposed to marry. But she rejects all her suitors with their generous presents, for she only wants one thing: The Singing, Ringing Tree, which only sings for true love.
Malaysian Tourist (uncredited)
Der Bankraub
Bankvorstand in New York
U.S. Olympic team
1936年ナチス独裁政権下で開催されたベルリンオリンピックで史上初の4冠を達成したアメリカ人陸上競技選手ジェシー・オーエンスの半生を描く。貧しい家庭に生まれながら、陸上選手として中学時代から類いまれな才能を発揮していたジェシー・オーエンスは、オハイオ州立大学でコーチのラリー・スナイダーと出会い、オリンピックを目指して日々練習に励む。しかし、アメリカ国内では、ナチスに反対し、ベルリンオリンピックをボイコットする機運が高まっていた。そして黒人であるオーエンスにとって、ナチスによる人種差別政策は、当然容認できるものではなかった。オーエンス役を「グローリー 明日への行進」のステファン・ジェームス、コーチのスナイダー役を「モンスター上司」のジェイソン・サダイキスがそれぞれ演じ、オスカー俳優のジェレミー・アイアンズ、ウィリアム・ハートが脇を固める。監督は「プレデター2」のスティーブン・ホプキンス。
ハンガー・ゲーム FINAL:レボリューション
District 13 Citizen (uncredited)
そして、革命へ! カットニス率いる第13地区の反乱軍はついに、スノー大統領が支配する独裁国家との最終戦争に突入した。 ゲイル、フィニック、そしてピータを従え、カットニスはスノー暗殺作戦を決行。しかし一行は、死のトラップや無数の敵に直面する。 それはまさにスノーが仕掛けた戦争という名のハンガー・ゲームだったのだ。そして、カットニスらはこれまでのどのゲームの戦闘よりも困難な状況に陥っていく。 彼女たちがむかう先には、予想だにしなかった衝撃的なラストが待ち受けていた。
Brief an mein Leben
Konferenzteilnehmer 1
Diagnosis burnout: The successful career woman Toni Lehmstedt can be referred to a psychiatric clinic after a physical breakdown. Urs Egger's free adaptation of the biographical novel of the same name by Miriam Meckel with Grimme award winner Marie Bäumer in the leading role.
Back on Track
Business Class Passagier
A former Olympic champion wants to compete in the Berlin Marathon one last time.
Verschollen am Kap
indonesischer Delegierter
Lilly the Witch: The Journey to Mandolan
Lilli is traveling to India, to solve a mystery.
2030 - Aufstand der Jungen
World Express - Mistery of the Maya
David and Philip are distinctive in the work's couriers World Express. Every day, roam the world completing tasks assigned to them by the mysterious head of Anson. Do not give up any adversity and provide dangerous consignment on time. Their current mission is to deliver to Mexico a ransom for the kidnapped girl. In the meantime, it appears that the girl's mother, Corrina, was once associated with David. Just before the start of the task Philip is murdered, and the ransom stolen. To save the girl, David needs to work with Corrina. It begins a dangerous journey through the dense jungle to the mysterious Mayan city.
Hanna and Simon are in a 20 year marriage with an unexciting relationship. By chance, they both meet and start separate affairs with Adam. Adam has no idea that his two lovers are married, until they are all found out when Hanna becomes pregnant, with the natural doubts stemming from their situation.
We Are the Night
One night, 18 year old Lena is bitten by Louise, leader of a female vampire trio that are as deadly as they are beautiful. Her newfound vampiric lifestyle is a blessing and a curse at the same time. At first, she enjoys the limitless freedom, the luxury, the parties. But soon the murderous blood lust of her comrades in arms proves too much for her, and she falls dangerously in love with Tom, a young undercover cop. When she resolves to turn her back on the bloodsucking band of sisters, Louise fury knows no bounds. Lena will have to choose between immortal love and immortal life.
The Red Room
A man and two women are trying their luck in the red room in the countryside. The older (but therefore not wiser) Fred, freshly divorced as a kisser who still desires his ex, meets the self-confident Lucy, who feels called to explore the soul of men in her novels. She lives with her intimate friend Sibil in a Vorpommern house in the countryside. Fred decides to move from Berlin to the two women and try a ménage-à-trois. They get to know each other and themselves.
Indonesian Shopman - Istanbul (uncredited)
Ninja Assassin follows Raizo, one of the deadliest assassins in the world. Taken from the streets as a child, he was transformed into a trained killer by the Ozunu Clan, a secret society whose very existence is considered a myth. But haunted by the merciless execution of his friend by the Clan, Raizo breaks free from them and vanishes. Now he waits, preparing to exact his revenge.
Bank Hostage
When a young musician and his wife become witness of a bank robbery they get in the midst of a political conspiracy with the risk of losing their lives.
Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps
asiatischer Tourist im Museum
Jan is an absolute heartthrob and a diehard Hertha fan. Katrin is attractive, just as successful and an incorrigible romantic. Chance makes the two the ideal couple. At least almost. Everything would be perfect if the two flagship models of their species did not lapse into primeval behavioral patterns. And so Jan sinks a little too deep in the cleavage of his secretary Melanie, and Katrin can not resist the adventurer Jonathan's lead role.