Sam Urdank


Still Photographer
Still Photographer
96時間  リベンジ
Still Photographer
Sympathy for Delicious
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A newly paralyzed DJ gets more than he bargained for when he seeks out the world of faith healing.
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Set in a world where the concept of lying doesn't exist, a loser changes his lot when he invents lying and uses it to get ahead.
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Two salesmen trash a company truck on an energy drink-fueled bender. Upon their arrest, the court gives them a choice: do hard time or spend 150 service hours with a mentorship program. After one day with the kids, however, jail doesn't look half bad.
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かつてCIA工作員として政府の影の仕事を行っていたブライアンだが、退職し今はアメリカで危険の無い仕事をしながら離婚した妻との間にできた愛娘キムに会ったりして日々を平和に過ごしていた。 ある日キムは友人と二人だけでパリ旅行をしたいとブライアンにせがむ。子供達だけで危険な海外旅行に行く事は当然許しがたい事であったが、悲しむキムについつい旅行を許してしまう。 パリについたキムたちは、空港で外国旅行者を狙う犯罪グループに目をつけらていたのだった。宿泊先で父と電話中だったキムは友人が大胆にも室内で誘拐される様を目撃してしまう。 父の咄嗟の指示により犯行一味の手がかりを話ながらキムも無情に連れ去られてしまう。取り残された携帯電話に犯人が出た気配に気付き、ブライアンは呼びかける。 「私には長年にわたって培った特殊なスキルがある。娘を返せ。さもなければお前を探し出し、殺す」 犯人は電話を切るがそこから得られた本当に僅かな手がかりを辿ってブライアンの娘を取り戻す孤独な強行作戦が始まる。
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A high school slacker who's rejected by every school he applies to opts to create his own institution of higher learning, the South Harmon Institute of Technology, on a rundown piece of property near his hometown.
Embrace the Darkness III
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Jennifer is a young female vampire who is led to believe that Victor, a 200-year-old vampire, can make all her desires come true. But is he just setting her up for betrayal?
The Exhibitionist Files
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A young and beautiful scientist is conducting an experiment to study sexual behavior. Soon the attraction gets out of control.
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二人の男が雑草を手に入れて、彼らを非常に賢くしています。 彼らはハーバードに受け入れられますが、大学に入れば、雑草の供給が尽きてしまい、自分でやらなければなりません。
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When a cockroach-spread plague threatened to decimate the child population of New York City in the original Mimic, biologist Susan Tyler and her research associates developed a species of "Judas" bugs and introduced them into the environment, where they were to "mimic" the diseased roaches and infiltrate their grubby habitats. The plan worked until the bugs evolved to mimic their next prey... humans! Just when they were all thought to be dead, the giant cockroaches are back, and this time they've mutated to take on human form!
Final Stab
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A group of college friends get together for a murder mystery weekend, but what starts as a little friendly game gets dark and bloody when they start actually being murdered.
Alien Arsenal
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Alien Arsenal, also released as Alien Weapons, tells the story of two teenage misfits, Ralph and Baxter, who accidentally discover a bizarre vault full of alien weaponry and body armor in the basement of their high school, with which they harness the power to transform from super superheroes. Unfortunately, their discovery signals the arsenal's alien owners who have returned to Earth to reclaim the deadly cache...and destroy the planet!