Tiffany Sander McKenzie

Tiffany Sander McKenzie

出生 : , Ligonier, Pennsylvania, USA


Tiffany Sander McKenzie
Tiffany Sander McKenzie


Rehabilitation of the Hill
Neighborhood Resident
Rehabilitation of the Hill follows two quirky, headstrong women from opposing backgrounds as they battle over their vision for an urban neighborhood in Pittsburgh while begrudgingly falling in love.
巨匠リチャード・リンクレイタ―監督が12年の構想期間を経て描く、感動のロードムービー。 妻に先立たれ、2日前に息子が戦死した父は、耐え切れない悲しみの中、故郷へ帰る旅に30年間音信普通だった戦友を誘った―。 かつて共にベトナム戦争に従軍し、痛みを分かち合った仲間たちは、30年前に起きた事件をきっかけに大きく人生が変わっていた。今はそれぞれの道を歩む旧友三人組は、仲間に起きた悲劇をきっかけに再会し、親友の息子の遺体を連れ帰る旅に出る――。戦争で刻まれた喪失感。仲間との旅は心の殻を一枚ずつ剥いでゆくー。30年前の“ある事件”によって傷ついた心の再生と、人生が再び輝き出す姿が描かれる。
Won't Back Down
Jamie Fitzpatrick and Nona Alberts are two women from opposites sides of the social and economic track, but they have one thing in common: a mission to fix their community's broken school and ensure a bright future for their children. The two women refuse to let any obstacles stand in their way as they battle a bureaucracy that's hopelessly mired in traditional thinking, and they seek to re-energize a faculty that has lost its passion for teaching.