Josh McKamie


いなか町のとっても大きななおやしき。スコットはともだちのエミリーをつれ、おばあさまのお家にやってきた。その夜、だれもいないはずの部屋から不思議な音が。 ドアをあけるとそこにはネコのようなふしぎな生きものルーファスが! ルーファスは、魔法使いのあいぼうアボットとはぐれていまったという。 2人と1ぴきはお守りのペンダントのナゾをとき、魔法のドアからアボットを助け出す。しかし、アボットは、悪い魔法使いのリリスによってほとんどきおくがなくなっていた。 取り戻すには、呪文の本と、4つの魔法のアイテムがいるという。しかも、アボットをうしなった魔法の国はめつぼう寸前…。 3人と1ぴきは、きょうりょくしてリリスをたおし魔法の王国を救う冒険に旅立つ!
The Adventures of Jurassic Pet
Director of Photography
An adventurous teenager summons the courage to help a friendly dinosaur to escape from the clutches of a mad scientist that wants to use him for experimentations.
The Adventures of Jurassic Pet
An adventurous teenager summons the courage to help a friendly dinosaur to escape from the clutches of a mad scientist that wants to use him for experimentations.
The Jurassic Games
Visual Effects
In the near future, 10 death row convicts are forced to compete in a virtual reality game that pits them against dinosaurs and each other.
The Jurassic Games
Director of Photography
In the near future, 10 death row convicts are forced to compete in a virtual reality game that pits them against dinosaurs and each other.
The Jurassic Games
In the near future, 10 death row convicts are forced to compete in a virtual reality game that pits them against dinosaurs and each other.
Director of Photography
A man receives a mysterious box containing a terrible secret, a creature that will kill everyone else in his family unless he passes it on to someone he loves to continue its never-ending circulation.
A man receives a mysterious box containing a terrible secret, a creature that will kill everyone else in his family unless he passes it on to someone he loves to continue its never-ending circulation.
A man receives a mysterious box containing a terrible secret, a creature that will kill everyone else in his family unless he passes it on to someone he loves to continue its never-ending circulation.
Drunk Patron #1
A young man travels back in time, finding himself entrenched in the Civil War with an army of Frankensteins.
A young man travels back in time, finding himself entrenched in the Civil War with an army of Frankensteins.
A young man travels back in time, finding himself entrenched in the Civil War with an army of Frankensteins.
Director of Photography
A young man travels back in time, finding himself entrenched in the Civil War with an army of Frankensteins.