Tomoko Tabata
出生 : 1980-12-26, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
Tomoko Tabata is a Japanese actress. She won the best supporting actress award from the Mainichi in 2004 for The Hidden Blade and Blood and Bones, and the best actress award at the Mainichi Film Awards for Fugainai Boku wa Sora o Mita in 2012. Wikipedia
A schoolteacher's life is disrupted by a chime that brings with it an increasing sense of dread.
Shoko Matsumoto
Momoko's daughter
In 1964, Momoko came by herself to Tokyo from her hometown. She met Shūzō and married him. They raised two children together, but Shūzō suddenly passes away. Momoko is dumbfounded by being alone again. She begins to go to the library and borrows books. This changes her life.
Kiku Sakamoto
Set towards the end of World War II, Kaede Itakura, who leads kindergartners, and Mitsue Nonomiya, who enjoys music, persuades the parents at the school to take their children out of Tokyo. They seek shelter at an abandoned temple in Saitama while Tokyo is bombed.
The story is set 155 years ago, during the battles that ended the Shogun era and through the eyes of young Itosato, we gather an interesting glimpse into a world surrounded by the most arcane women, who for the times they were destined to live, were very similar to the women of today; displaying leadership and strength within the bounds of a society at large. Itosato is a "TENJIN,' who is a courtesan in training just beneath the rank of TAYOU, which carries an Aristocratic title of Supreme Entertainer in the old capital city of Kyoto. There are two more women who play a key role in this story and all three women are in love with men who are commanders within the infamous special police task force, Shinsengumi. A task force that was organized to protect Shogun government under the command of the Kyoto Military Commissioner.
Based on a letter from a fan addressed to the band "SING LIKE TALKING", which will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2018, a movie depicting three true stories about the band. "Love for the first time in 20 years" depicting the reunion of men and women who were separated without being able to convey their thoughts in high school, "door of the heart" depicting a daughter thinking of a sick mother, and the name of the child to be born A drama of three episodes of "My Child" that depicts the uproar.
In 16th century Japan, a young man has to choose between becoming a master steel maker like his father and grandfather before him, or becoming a samurai so that he can help protect his village from attacks by the various clans which want the high-quality steel made there.
Kayo Akiyama
過激な描写と緊迫のストーリー展開で人気を博す巴亮介の人気サイコスリラー漫画を、これが初タッグとなる小栗旬主演×大友啓史監督により実写映画化。雨の日だけに起こる猟奇殺人事件を追う刑事の沢村久志。犯行現場に残された謎のメモや、見つけられることを前提としたかのような死体から、カエルのマスクを被った犯人像が浮かび上がる。通称・カエル男と呼ばれるようになった犯人を追い詰めていく沢村だったが、カエル男の仕組んだ残酷な罠にはまり、絶望的な状況に追い込まれてしまう。 主人公・沢村役の小栗、沢村の妻を演じる尾野真千子はじめ、野村周平、大森南朋ら豪華キャストが共演。
Chiharu Yamazaki
Twenty-four-year-old country bumpkin Aiko is a new teacher who has arrived at a new town and a new primary school. When nervous she blurts out her local dialect. This seals her nickname and reputation. Nonetheless, she is determined and strives to do her best for her students. She is an inspiration soon.
Yayoi Maehara
Rikutaro and Mariko are in the same grade at an elementary school. They become brother and sister after Rikutaro's mother and Mariko’s father marry. After their marriage, the children become upset because they are teased by their classmates, so they hatch a plan to make their parents divorce.
Reiko Sasaki
Reiko Sasaki
For his first film in fourteen years animation director Isao Takahata embarked on a visually sumptuous adaptation of "The Tale of the Princess Kaguya". A dream project for the director that would hopefully establish the recently formed Ghibli Studio 7, created to meet the demands of a new type of modern animation process. But almost immediately the epic production is faced with difficulties and falls dramatically behind schedule. In this compelling and insightful documentary we follow Isao Takahata and his dedicated team of artists as they frantically strive against adversity to make their vision a reality and bring Studio Ghibli into a new Era.
Shirayuki Kimura
Set half a year after the first season of "First Class." Chinami Yoshinari (Erika Sawajiri) begins work as a fashion designer. In the high-end luxury field, big money is involved and Chinami Yoshinari is again trampled over by other women. She attempts to get through by using her wisdom and toughness that she gained from experience.
Shirayuki Kimura
Chinami (Erika Sawajiri) works at a fabric shop, dreaming of one day working in the fashion industry. By accident, she begins work in the editing section for a fashion magazine. Chinami believes her new job may open doors for her to new opportunities, but it turns out her new job is like working in a war zone with daily fights and competitiveness between the women who work there. Can Chinami survive in such a cutthroat environment?
Kaguya's Maid Girl (voice)
Tomoko Utsunomiya
In Osaka, three troubled young kids, Kanako, Atsushi and Kenji, are hanging out together all the time. One day Kenji who lives in an orphanage is sold to a yakuza and their friendship has to come to an end. 25 years later, Kanako is married to Atsushi who is an incompetent yakuza. They have 3 daughters. Kenji is a competent unbeatable yakuza. Atsushi, who sucks at everything, for the first time gets a dangerous mission to kill a thug who has attacked the office of his yakuza group. Kenji, who has advanced to the first lieutenant position, by mistake kills a dumb-ass son of the head of Tokyo Yakuza, which triggers a battle between Osaka and Tokyo Yakuzas. Then, Kenji meets Atsushi in 25 years.
Tatewaki Asano
In the Edo period of Japan, a samurai’s life belonged to his lord. On the battlefield or in the home, a loyal samurai must always obey his lord’s commands. This is the tragic story of one such loyal samurai, whose love for his family forced him to make the ultimate choice of disobeying the wishes of his lord.
Teacher Rika Momoi
緋桜山中学の国語教師 鈴木は、一見問題がない普通の生徒ほど内面が鬱屈していると考えており、独自の教育理論を用いて理想的なクラスを築き上げようと日々奮闘している。鈴木の妻 麻美は相手の考えていることを見抜き生霊を飛ばす特殊能力があり、鈴木先生は身重の麻美に気苦労させまいとより一層自らを律している。慌ただしいながらも充実した日々を送る中、OBの勝野ユウジが小川を人質にとり学校に立て篭もる事件が起こる。
あらすじ 高校生の斉藤卓巳(永山絢斗)は、助産院を営む母子家庭のひとり息子。友人に誘われて行ったアニメの同人誌販売イベントで、あんずと名乗るアニメ好きの主婦・岡本里美(田畑智子)にナンパされる。里美は卓巳を自宅に招き、大好きなアニメキャラクターのコスプレをさせて情事に至る。以降、里美が用意した台本通りにセリフを言いながらコスプレセックスをすることが日常的になっていた。だがある日、卓巳は同級生の松永七菜(田中美晴)に告白され、里美との関係を断つことを決心する……。里美は、元いじめられっこ同士で結婚した夫・慶一郎(山中崇)と二人暮らし。執拗に子作りを求める姑・マチコ(銀粉蝶)からは不妊治療や体外受精を強要され、マザコンの夫は頼りにならず、卓巳との関係だけが心の拠り所だった。しかし二人の関係を夫と姑に知られてしまい、里美は土下座して離婚を懇願するが受け入れられず、代理母を捜すためにアメリカに行くことが決定する……。
Itami Yayoi (Reporter)
Gotou Aki
Akiko Sekine
2011年(平成23年)11月5日の21:00〜23:11に「ドラマスペシャル 宮部みゆき原作『火車』」として放送された。製作局は1994年(平成6年)版と同じテレビ朝日。土曜ワイド劇場と同じ時間枠だが、土曜ワイド劇場の作品ではなくスペシャルドラマ(特別番組)として放送された。
Det. Kamiyashi
Momose (played by Sousuke Takaoka), who used to be a street punk, lives with girlfriend Kayo (played by Tomoko Tabata). Trouble brews for the couple when Kayo's younger sister Momo (played by Erena Ono) moves into their home for the summer. Momose finds himself gradually being drawn to the free spirited ways of Momo. A new love comedy from Keisuke Yoshida director of "Cafe Isobe".
Shuichi's sister
Shuichi Furukawa receives a phone call from his mother. She reminds him that they are moving the next day. The following day, Shuichi takes a train ride back to his hometown. He arrives at his parents home, but nobody is home. He looks for the house key under a potted plant but can't find the key. He starts to thinks back to his childhood days in his parents home. Shuichi grew up with his younger brother, older sister, father who ran a shoe making business out of their garage and mother. Shuichi grew up with a crush on an older woman who lived next door and he loved to make piggy banks out of empty whiskey bottles. One day on a school picnic, Shuichi's classmates grabbed a lunchbox from a fellow student and eventually gave the lunch box to Shuichi. All the other students chanted "throw it away," while Shuichi's former friend looked on in despair.
Natsumi Kimura
副操縦士の鈴木和博は機長への昇格訓練を受けており、今回のホノルル行きのフライトが昇格の分かれ目だった。教官が温厚な望月で安堵したのも束の間、望月が風邪をひき、代わりに厳格な原田が鈴木の教官を務めることになった。 一方今回のホノルル行きが国際線デビューとなるCA・斉藤悦子。だがその便には厳しいことで知られるチーフパーサー・山崎麗子も乗務していた。そしてグランドスタッフの木村菜採もまた仕事に限界を感じ辞めようかと考えていた。 ホノルル行きの便は離陸前の多様なトラブルがありながらも出発。機内では鈴木が原田の指導に戦々恐々とし、悦子は次々と繰り出される乗客の要求に右往左往。 そんな中、鈴木・原田のもとに、山崎麗子からキャビンで翼に何かがぶつかるのを見た乗客がいるとの知らせが入る。その直後、機のエアデータ・コンピュータが狂った表示を出し始めた。
Ms. Ikezawa
Ever since that fatal incident in college, Kanako has sensed them. A sound behind her... an object moving at the corner of her vision. Birds. Cooing, taunting birds... But are they real, or just in her head? As she struggles to perform her duties teaching marine biology, the images of pigeons slowly begin to drive her to the edge of insanity, until even drugs and alcohol no longer offer her protection. And what if they aren't figments of her imagination? What if that strange rumor she heard at the crime scene was true? If it was, then the real nightmare is only beginning! Vengeance has wings and the sky is filled with terror in GUN-KYU!
There's something wrong at the Pacific Institute...something wrong and evil. For young Mari, whose family has worked in the finishing industry for generations, her studies in advanced genetics and marine bio-engineering represent not just her own future, but that of her entire family. But when her friend Nanako is mysteriously discovered dead, Mari's dreams turn into her worst nightmares! Because not only was Nanako's body covered with fishbites, she was also growing scales! Now, as a new wave of deaths and tragedies engulf the Pacific team, it becomes all too clear that someone....something...has a new future in mind for all human kind. For centuries man has taken from the ocean, never dreaming what might lurk beneath the waves; now the revelation has begun...and this time, we're the sushi!
込み旅館で水 木の姿を見かけたと編集者には言われる始末。おまけに水木の行く先々には、夢か幻
か、南方の象徴である"ハイビスカス"の花が咲き誇っている・・・。やが て水木は「何者かに押される
子の木を運 び、穴を掘り、食料調達に働かされる日々だった。要領の悪い丸山は鬼軍曹にビンタを
Misaki is a popular bar hostess whose policy is to 'live on presents'. She is haughty and wants nothing but the most expensive and exclusive. One night, she finds a rabbit and takes it home, setting off the story of an unimaginable tragedy. It is an 'animal panic horror' film with a new edge presenting an allegory of the worst in the modern materialistic world. This is the first full-length feature film for Yuichi Kanemaru, who has worked as assistant director to Kaneto Shindo, Yasuo Furuhata and Takashi Miike. And Tomoko Tabata's dynamic performance in her first horror movie is a definite highlight.
Kaoru Nishigaki
The movie is centered around five friends as they end up spending the summer of 1962 shackled up together in a tiny studio apartment in Tokyo. The five friends are Eisuke - the manga artist, Shoichi - the singer, Ryuzo - the novelist, Kei - the painter and Yuji – the 5th wheel (?). The friends spend the summer in pursuit of their own ideals of personal freedom - being able to do what they want. In the process of pursuing their dream they learn firsthand that however ideal it may seem, its not as easy as they think.
Nozomi Kanou
The modern-day story of a man searching for a friend who has mysteriously disappeared, with a magical tale involving strange creatures, a heartbroken princess, and a pact that can't be broken. Conflicts between faith and skepticism, and between social obligation and personal desire drive the narrative toward a dramatic conclusion where the worlds of the real and the surreal inevitabl
Hanako Kim
In 1923, teenager Kim Shun-Pei moves from Cheju Island, in South Korea, to Osaka, in Japan. Along the years, he becomes a cruel, greedy and violent man and builds a factory of kamaboko, processed seafood products, in his poor Korean-Japanese community exploiting his employees.
Shino Katagiri
When a young man is sent to a prison workhouse for a crime he did not commit his friend on the outside must find evidence to clear his name.
Natsu Otagawa
After surviving from an incident of Cruise ship hijacking, both doctor Tamaki and the boy injured in the incident, Ryota Inamoto, suffered from different degrees of PTSD. Meanwhile, Doctor Chiharu Kanbayashi's wife is about to give birth to their first children. Would these doctors and patients succeed in overcoming their problems and welcome a happy new year?