Michiko Hada

Michiko Hada

出生 : 1968-09-24, Joso, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan


Michiko Hada


A young girl, Sayaka, develops a heartwarming friendship with an old man named Hasu. Based on an award-winning novel by Ijuin Shizu.
Akiko Yosano
A genius and reckless poet and a hard working musician are asked by the CEO of a children literature magazine to write a war song to send children into the battlefield.
Kyoko Kanbayashi
Suspicions fall on politician Tagane Seizo over the sale of nationally owned land to a social welfare service corporation back in 2010. Seizo Tagane is then given immunity for his testimony, but people become furious that he was not going to be prosecuted. A committee of prosecutors meets and concludes that Seizo Tagane should be prosecuted. An outstanding lawyer Yui Hitotsugi takes the prosecutor's position in the case with the help of the prosecutor Tachibana.
巨悪は眠らせない 特捜検事の標的
真山仁原作、玉木宏主演の社会派エンターテインメントドラマの続編。東京地検特捜部の検事が厚生労働大臣の受託収賄捜査に挑む。出演はほかに勝地涼、萩原聖人、奥田瑛二。 あらすじ 東京地検特捜部の検事・冨永真一(玉木宏)はある日、副部長の羽瀬喜一(奥田瑛二)に呼ばれ、次のターゲットは厚生労働大臣の越村みやび(名取裕子)であると告げられる。告発者によると、サービス付き高齢者向け住宅、通称「サ高住」を取り締まる法案をめぐり、医療コンサル会社の社長・楽田恭平(中村俊介)とみやびの間に金銭のやり取りがあったという。調べを進める冨永だが、次第に告発者に不信感を抱く・・・。
Masami Okazaki
The body of Shinsuke Maeda, a wealthy older man, is discovered in his garden. While at first glance it appears that he missed his step while exiting into the garden and hit his forehead on a flowerbed rock, it is established that a safe installed in the living room has been emptied. It seems that, the night before, Maeda left the hospital he was staying at of his own will and came home, and was robbed immediately after returning. His daughter Yumie Nagano insists that Chikako Inui, a woman her father had been seeing, must be the perpetrator. She says that Maeda was thinking of getting married to Chikako soon. However, Chikako finds Yumie and her husband suspicious. Troubled by debts incurred by opening their ramen store, they pestered Maeda and he pushed them away. She calmly points out that Maeda gave her a will in which he left all of the 50 million plus yen hidden in the safe to her, so she had no reason to steal from him.
Masami Okazaki
The dead body of Maki Tsujimoto, a popular stage actress, is discovered in a theater in Oji. After striking her in the back of the head with a bronze statue prop, the criminal laid the body on the floor and pointed a light at it, "directing" the crime scene as if it were a scene from a play.
巨悪は眠らせない 特捜検事の逆襲
Nozomi Iwashita
Shinichi Tominaga is a prosecutor, newly appointed to the special investigation division for the Tokyo district prosecutors' office. He is currently busy with a case involving suspicious donations to powerful politician Yohei Tachibana. Shinichi then receives a mysterious message from his friend Samon Kondo. His friend is in charge of space development at The The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The message talks about a scandal related to space development. Samon soon goes missing after sending the message. Shinichi begins to see a connection between the two cases.
Bakabon (Okarina) lives with his Papa (Ueda Shinya), Mama (Matsushita Nao) and younger brother Hajime-chan (Hayasaka Hirara). His bumbling Papa is a free spirit, hates lies and does not have a regular job while his beautiful, kind Mama lovingly watches over Papa. Honest and naive Bakabon and child genius Hajime-chan love him too. The family gets along well and lives happily. One trouble after another occurs around Papa and people get caught up in the uproar. Strangely enough, the bonds of the respective families deepen right after that. One day, when Papa is on a bus, an elderly lady gets a phone call. She is asked to bring money to her grandchild. It seems that she is being cheated in a “It’s me, It’s me!” scam. While the passengers on the bus are worrying for the elderly lady, Papa declares all of a sudden, “Leave it to me!” When Papa and the elderly lady get off the bus, she gets another phone call pestering her for money. Papa takes the phone and announces, “I’m Bakabon’s Papa!”
Etsu [Michiba’s wife]
In June 1945 Yamauchi Fusako goes alone to Manchuria where her husband, Setsuo, a second lieutenant of the Kwantung Army, is based. At that time, 200,000 Japanese had settled in Manchuria, a Japanese occupied territory, as settler communities. Fujita Hideo’s family worked hard to clear the wilderness, but the Soviets are lying in wait for an invasion of Manchuria from the North. Fusako is safely reunited with her husband at the headquarters of the Kwantung Army’s Fifth Training Squadron in Manchuria’s Dahushan. Setsuo also takes good care of his beloved wife, but his position is an instructor to the young soldiers who will eventually carry out suicide attacks. He wonders if he should have summoned her and speaks of these mixed feelings to his commanding officer, Michiba Kazuo, a first lieutenant. Michiba is concerned about Setsuo’s attempts to cherish his wife before the coming showdown on homeland. Fusako learns about life in Manchuria from Michiba’s wife, Etsu.
유키 요리코
汚職官僚連続殺人!!捜査検事に仕掛けられた女の罠!?東京~京都~富士、証言者を追う1000キロの旅 衝撃の結末 昭和35年、東京・赤坂のダンスホールで一人の踊り子が殺害される。東京地方検察庁の検事・小野木喬夫は、容疑者で建設省の役人・梨本秀雄を追って山梨へ。そこで小野木は、湖畔に一人たたずむ美しい女性と出会う。水底を見つめる姿はまるで樹海の日陰に咲く花のように切なく、漂うはかなさは死を連想させるほどで、小野木は思わず心を奪われてしまう。この出会いは、破滅への序章だった…。
Yasuko Hayasaka
有名進学校に通う早坂紫(北川景子)は、夢も刺激もない高校生活を送っていた。受験を控えて成績は伸び悩み、同級生の徳森浩行(山本裕典)への片思いも何の進展もないまま3年目を迎えた。そんなある日、紫は矢澤芸術学院、通称“ヤザガク”の生徒・永瀬嵐(賀来賢人)から学園祭のファッションショーのモデルにスカウトされる。アトリエに連れて行かれ、嵐のカノジョの櫻田実和子(大政絢)と女装したイザベラ(五十嵐隼士)に会うが、受験のことしか頭にない紫は「あんたの遊びに付き合っているヒマはない」と言い放つ。翌朝、紫の教室に嵐たちのリーダー格・小泉譲二、通称ジョージ(向井理)が現れ、紫の手を取ると強引に外へ連れ出す。ヤザガクの教師でありトップヘアメイクアーティストの如月星次(平山浩行)に紫の髪を切るよう頼むジョージ。コンテスト形式のショーでは、ジョージと麻生香(加藤夏希)が優勝を狙っていた。既に“Paradise Kiss”というブランドで様々な服を創っていたジョージは、仲間たちと共に手分けしてドレスを創る。そんな彼らの情熱に紫は少しずつ心を動かされていく。上手くいかない毎日を厳しすぎる母親(羽田美智子)のせいにしていた紫だったが「お前の意思はどこにある?」とジョージに言われ、彼を見返そうとモデルを引き受ける。そんな中、紫は母親とケンカして家出、ジョージのマンションに間借りすることになる。学校を休学、自立を目指しジョージが紹介してくれた雑誌のモデルの仕事は一流のプロたちの現場だった。紫は遂に夢と出逢えたことに気付き、さりげなくサポートしてくれるジョージに惹かれていく。だがジョージは卒業後にパラキスを解散、パリへ修行に行くと宣言する。ショーの当日。紫はリハーサルでランウェイがまともに歩けない。本番が始まり、ステージに向かう紫の背中で「自分の足で歩いて来い」とジョージが叫ぶ。ショーが終われば別れが待っていることを胸に秘めて、紫は歩き出した……。
A boy from Tokyo moves to the countryside and has trouble adapting, falls in love.
Miwa Hanabusa
東海テレビの企画・制作により、フジテレビ系列(FNS)で2008年12月26日の21:30 - 23:22(JST)に東海テレビ開局50周年記念スペシャルドラマとして放送された。ドラマのロケーション撮影は千葉県浦安市で行われた。 小学生時代からの幼馴染みである76歳の男女6人。その6人が“人生最後の酔狂”として長生きすることに命を賭けた闘いが始まる…。
Ayumi Hidaka
『ルパンの消息』(ルパンのしょうそく)は、日本の小説家・推理作家である横山秀夫のデビュー作である。2008年9月21日にWOWOWのドラマWで映像化され放送された。1990年(平成2年)12月。忘年会に出席していた某警察署の署長、後閑耕造(ごかん こうぞう)のもとにある知らせが届く。それは15年前に起きた高校女性教師自殺事案について、ある人物の密告(タレコミ)により殺人である可能性が浮上したので至急署に来るようにとの呼び出しだった。一方、喜多芳夫は突然警察官に署に来いと命じられ、反抗するも強制的に連れて行かれる。取調室で問われたのは昔、悪仲間三人で企てた「ルパン作戦」なる期末テストを奪う作戦についてだった。
Hayato, a boy in the 6th grade, hides the secret that he can't swim. Every summer, he pretends to be sick, so he could avoid school swimming tournaments. But, as it is the last year in the elementary school, he can't escape from swimming practice and is forced to participate.
世にも奇妙な物語 ~2008春の特別編~
「さっきよりもいい人」「これ……見て……」「日の出通り商店街 いきいきデー」「透き通った一日」「フラッシュバック」
Dr. Nakazono
Shizuko Shinozaki
『金田一耕助ファイル 迷路荘の惨劇』は、テレビ東京系列・BSジャパン共同制作の2時間ドラマ「女と愛とミステリー」(毎週水曜日20:54 - 22:48)で2002年10月2日に放送された。 名琅荘(めいろうそう)は、明治時代の権臣古舘種人(ふるたてたねんど)伯爵が建てた別荘であったが、屋敷内のあちこちに“どんでん返し”や“抜け穴”などが仕掛けられていることから、地元の人々からは、別名「迷路荘」と呼ばれていた。 昭和25年10月。金田一耕助は、現在はホテルとなっている名琅荘に主人・篠崎慎吾から依頼を受けて訪れるが、その直後に殺人事件が発生する。
Yuka (Michiko Hada), a document appraisal engineer at the Institute of Scientific Research, sees a young woman fall from a building. By the time Yuka rushed to the scene, the woman was already dead and had something like a suicide note in her hand. You can feel the clearness of the character settings.
A biographical film of war photographer, Taizo Ichinose.
Masumi Nakamura
Kintaro is a reformed delinquent, the former leader of a biker gang who has gone straight. Working at a construction company, his unorthodox tactics cause trouble with his colleagues. He is transferred to a tiny countryside branch, where he butts heads with his lazy superior until the two men discover a plot by the competition to put the construction company out of bussiness. With the help of his old biker friends, Kintaro prepares to confront the masterminds behind the scheme.
Flowers of Shanghai
Women struggle in a Shanghai brothel where everything only appears to be beautiful.
F [エフ]
A love story between a timid woman and frustrated ballet dancer.
After the 1995 Kobe earthquake, a writer remembers travelling with his family to bury his brother after World War II.
Yuko Kurita
Rowing Through
Based on the real-life story of American rower Tiff Wood (Colin Ferguson), an athlete determined to realize his goal of winning gold at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. Wood's dream is shattered when the U.S. boycotts the games, and he must refocus his life towards making the team four years later, with the odds against him.
Movie adaptation of a novel by Rampo Edogawa.
Edogawa Rampo is a writer whose latest work is censored by the government, deemed too disturbing and injurious to the public to be allowed to be published. However, after burning his drafts, his publisher shows him a newspaper with an account of events just like his forbidden story. As the film progresses, fantasy and reality intermingle in a tale that draws heavily on influences from Poe and Stoker's Dracula. The film's strongly Expressionistic direction skillfully combines a variety of media (animation, computer-generated imagery, grainy black-and-white fast film stock, color negatives) for artistic effect.
A scramble of love and friendship that unfolds painfully and refreshingly, mainly on a university campus. A vivid spectacle of youth runs at full speed towards the motorcycle race that takes place around the woman of your dreams!
Honto ni atta kowai hanashi: Jushiryou
This is a series of three short supernatural-themed movies. The first tells the story of a teen girl who dreams of haunted doll. In the second movie, a widowed mother brings her children to a house in the woods to help them forget the death of their father. While in the woods one of the children meets a ghost that wants more than just to be friends. The last movie tells the story of three teen-aged girls who go on vacation, only to find themselves at a haunted inn.