Max Wagner


ドイツの現役弁護士作家フェルディナント・フォン・シーラッハの世界的ベストセラー小説を映画化した社会派サスペンス。新米弁護士カスパー・ライネンは、ある殺人事件の国選弁護人を担当することに。それは、ドイツで30年以上にわたり模範的市民として働いてきた67歳のイタリア人コリーニが、ベルリンのホテルで経済界の大物実業家を殺害した事件で、被害者はライネンの少年時代の恩人だった。調査を続ける中で、ライネンは自身の過去やドイツ史上最大の司法スキャンダル、そして驚くべき真実と向き合うことになる。主人公ライネンを「ピエロがお前を嘲笑う」のエリアス・ムバレク、被告人コリーニを「続・荒野の用心棒」の名優フランコ・ネロが演じる。監督は「クラバート 闇の魔法学校」のマルコ・クロイツパイントナー。
The Procedure
Roland Prengler
Police detective Roland Prengler goes undercover in the small town of Ahndorf to investigate a murder case that has baffled local officials for quite some time. Three years ago, Lucy, a 17-year-old, disappeared without a trace. The police have good reason to believe she was murdered and they even have a suspect - Walter, a down-on-his-luck drunkard who lives at an abandoned farm on the outskirts of town. Roland's assignment is to befriend the eccentric outsider, gain his trust and get him to confess to the crime. But the deceptive friendship soon takes its toll on the experienced cop and puts his principles as a human being to the test.
The Red Room
A man and two women are trying their luck in the red room in the countryside. The older (but therefore not wiser) Fred, freshly divorced as a kisser who still desires his ex, meets the self-confident Lucy, who feels called to explore the soul of men in her novels. She lives with her intimate friend Sibil in a Vorpommern house in the countryside. Fred decides to move from Berlin to the two women and try a ménage-à-trois. They get to know each other and themselves.
A Notorious Gentleman
A lawyer sets out to commit the perfect murder.