Valeriya Skorokhodova

Valeriya Skorokhodova


Valeriya Skorokhodova


Life on Earth has changed after the visit of alien ships hovering in various parts of the planet. Their passengers — biopages or "Vitaliki", as they are popularly called — produce a substance called "prak". Its purpose, as well as the purpose of the aliens' visit, is unknown, but nurse Nina (Irina Salikova) from a quiet provincial town hopes to help her sick father with the help of prak. After contacting Vitalik, Nina learns the truth about extraterrestrial beings, which completely changes her life.
Three Russian sisters work in a tavern in Kars, a city in the east of Turkiye. Two brothers who live in the same city go to that tavern. Elder of the brothers who is married works as a railway worker; controls rails and allows/stoppes trains to pass. The younger brother is an aggressive man who often causes trouble, he marries a local girl, but he doesnt give up night life. The elder brother falls in love with the youngest of the Russian sisters (Irina) and this situation changes their lives. Focusing on the problems of Turkish uneducated men and hard lives of prostitutes, the film takes its name from the freezing cold of Kars as "Soguk" means "cold" in Turkish.
Bluz Opadayushih Listyev
Молодая библиотекарша Ксения, до недавнего времени решавшая свои многочисленные семейные и финансовые проблемы, в один день становится обладательницей наследства — огромной квартиры, счета в банке и нового Мерседеса, а вместе с этим множеством тайн и загадок. Ксения понимает, что в этой жизни просто так ничего не бывает... Шаг за шагом она приближается к разгадке, не осознавая, что над ней уже нависла угроза...