Craig Stein

Craig Stein


Craig Stein


Dancer / Puppeteer
The youngest of King Triton’s daughters, and the most defiant, Ariel longs to find out more about the world beyond the sea, and while visiting the surface, falls for the dashing Prince Eric. With mermaids forbidden to interact with humans, Ariel makes a deal with the evil sea witch, Ursula, which gives her a chance to experience life on land, but ultimately places her life – and her father’s crown – in jeopardy.
Job Hopper Supervisor
メリー・ポピンズ リターンズ
舞台はロンドン──ミステリアスで美しい魔法使いのメリー・ポピンズが、母を亡くし、窮地に陥った家族の元に空から舞い降りた。エレガントでマナーに厳しい彼女の“上から目線”の言動と美しくも型破りな魔法によって、家族は再び希望を取り戻し始める。 幸せを運ぶ魔法使いメリー・ポピンズがディズニー史上最高のハッピーを届ける、極上のミュージカル映画が誕生!
ジュラシック・クロコダイル 怒りのデス・アイランド
A group of young explorers discover a secret area hidden from all maps and GPS devices. When they reach the center of the lake, they discover an abandoned facility that houses one of the largest, and deadliest apex-predators known to man.
Almost Saw the Sunshine
Rachel is a young aspiring transgender woman. After a series of coincidental encounters with a handsome man, she impulsively takes a chance on a one night stand which leads to disastrous consequences.
Soft Lad
Twenty-two year old David has it all – he’s young, hot, and he’s just got into the prestigious dance school of his dreams. But he has a secret: for two years he’s been sleeping with his sister’s husband, Jules. After an argument between the two lovers, David throws himself into a one-night stand with Sam, a casual encounter which fast becomes something much stronger.
Soft Lad
Twenty-two year old David has it all – he’s young, hot, and he’s just got into the prestigious dance school of his dreams. But he has a secret: for two years he’s been sleeping with his sister’s husband, Jules. After an argument between the two lovers, David throws himself into a one-night stand with Sam, a casual encounter which fast becomes something much stronger.
National Theatre Live: Nation
A parallel world, 1860. Two teenagers thrown together by a tsunami. One wears next to nothing, the other a long white dress. Neither speaks the others language, but somehow they must learn to survive and forge a new nation.