Barker White


The Sultan and the Saint
Two men of faith, one a traveling Christian preacher, the other the ruler of a Muslim Empire, bucked a century of war, distrust, and insidious propaganda in a search for mutual respect and common ground. It is the story of Francis of Assisi and the Sultan of Egypt, and their meeting on a bloody battlefield during the period of Christian- Muslim conflict known as the Crusades.
Here Comes Rusty
A reluctant dog track owner tries to outrun his problems with the bet of a lifetime.
Elsa & Fred
Set Dresser
After his daughter persuades him to move into a new apartment, aged widower Fred strikes up a friendship with his eccentric 74-year-old neighbour Elsa, who convinces him it's never too late to keep enjoying life. Although he seemed resigned to a miserable bedridden existence, Fred embraces Elsa's youthful enthusiasm as she introduces him to the path of life and entertains him with outlandish stories about her past life. But when he discovers Elsa's terminally ill, Fred decides to accompany her on the trip of her dreams to the eternal city of Rome to help her fulfil a lifelong ambition.
Set Dresser
Art Direction
ある夜、ボートで釣りを楽しんでいた一行の竿に掛かったのは巨大なサメだった。 しかし恐怖のあまりサメを撃ち殺してしまった彼らを、復讐のため蘇ったサメが襲う―!! それから数日後、人ごみで賑わうビーチが騒然とする。青白く光るサメが出現し、人々を襲ったのだ! その惨劇が去った後に現場についた地元警察は、その話を信じようとはしなかった。 そこに偶然居合わせたエバと妹のシスリー、友達のブレイスは犠牲者の残したビデオカメラに光るサメの証拠をつかむ。 そこには光るサメの背びれが映っていたのだ。 しかし警察は彼らの証言を真に受けることはなく次々と犠牲者が増えるのだった…。 ゴーストと化したサメは、水がある場所はどこでも出現出来るのだった。 豪邸のプール、シャワールーム、水たまり…。 街の至る所に出現し、ひとを襲うサメに住民たちは為す術をなくす…。
Giant albino spiders break free from the depths of Earth in New Orleans, making everyone’s worst nightmare a reality.
Beyond Pollution
Barker White documents the environmental impact of the massive BP spill.