Michiko used to work as a live-in part-timer at an izakaya, but suddenly lost her job and her house at the same time due to COVID-19 pandemic. There are no new jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and diners and internet cafes are closed. Michiko is at her wits' end, but there in front of her is a bus stop that stands slightly brightly in the darkness, illuminated only by the streetlights.
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6500万年前の地球、リュウソウ族とドルイドン族が激しい戦いを繰り広げるなか、隕石が迫る。ドルイドンはリュウソウ族の脱出艇をすべて破壊し宇宙へ逃亡する。 2019年現在の地球ではコウ達6人とういが福井県立恐竜博物館にやってきていた。するとそこに6500万年前のリュウソ族であるユノがタイムスリップしてきた。ユノはコウ達に「お父さんを止めて」とお願いしてくる。事情を聞いたコウ、メルト、アスナ、トワ、バンバは現れた始祖マイナソーの能力によって6500万年前とタイムスリップすることになる。 タイムスリップした6500年前ではユノの父であるヴァルマが隕石から逃れるための地下シェルターを建設していたものの、すべてのリュウソウ族を収容するものではなく、戦わせて生き残ったリュウソウ族を収容しヴァルマがその頂点に立つことで世界を支配しようとしていた。 コウたち5人はヴァルマの野望を阻止し、隕石落下を阻止するために過去と現在を行き来することになる。
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<あらすじ> 風光明媚な地方都市・柏崎。海風が吹き抜ける、この美しい地で巻き起こる通り魔事件。 そして“鬼”の目撃情報。 仲間を失い、復讐心に燃える星 狐太郎(演:星知弘)=トチオンガーセブンは、 宿敵を追って柏崎へとやってくる。そこで出会う地元の新聞記者・長浜瑞希(演:小川麻琴)と 弟の一彦(演:橋本 閏)もまた両親を謎の通り魔に殺されていた。 通り魔事件の影に蠢く蛇王一族の影。そして柏崎に根ざす閻魔信仰と事件の繋がりが 見え隠れする中、ついに地獄への扉が開く――――。
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ogane Takichi, the CEO of a construction company, is shot dead in the street in Nishi Shinjuku in Tokyo. The only eyewitness, Odagiri Naoto, refuses to cooperate with the police for some reason. Fukamachi Kotaro, a senior member of the IR Analysis Office, is ordered by Nitta Yukihiko, the head of the First Investigative Division, to handle Odagiri. The newly established office was set up on the pretext of tracking and monitoring suspects and witnesses to advance investigations by using the many surveillance cameras and GPS trackers installed in Tokyo.
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Detective Nobuhiko Kamamoto is a detective with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, armed with keen interviewing skills and the ability to read peoples’ personalities. But his personal life is in shambles and he must find a way to juggle problems at home while also handling multiple complicated investigations.
Original Music Composer
The body of Shinsuke Maeda, a wealthy older man, is discovered in his garden. While at first glance it appears that he missed his step while exiting into the garden and hit his forehead on a flowerbed rock, it is established that a safe installed in the living room has been emptied. It seems that, the night before, Maeda left the hospital he was staying at of his own will and came home, and was robbed immediately after returning. His daughter Yumie Nagano insists that Chikako Inui, a woman her father had been seeing, must be the perpetrator. She says that Maeda was thinking of getting married to Chikako soon. However, Chikako finds Yumie and her husband suspicious. Troubled by debts incurred by opening their ramen store, they pestered Maeda and he pushed them away. She calmly points out that Maeda gave her a will in which he left all of the 50 million plus yen hidden in the safe to her, so she had no reason to steal from him.
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In Tokyo, 1974, a young African American is found dead in a lift. A knife is stuck deep into his chest and a streak of tear is running down his cheek. A policeman, Munesue starts to investigate the case. On the same day, there is a grand reception party held on the top floor by Kyoko, a popular beautician adored by everyone as an ideal wife and mother. The investigation reveals the victim was raised in a ghetto in NY, was able to speak a little Japanese, and his dying words was “su to u ha.” Startling connection between him and Kyoko is to be revealed…
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While investigating a murder case, Kamiki Kyoko finds out the truth behind the death of her father who was a police officer which leads her to the dark secrets within the police force. In order to solve the case and take revenge for her father, Kamiki and her supervisor Orihara must battle the odds against the strong forces trying to cover up the truth.
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Prosecutor Sakata of the Yonesaki District Public Prosecutors Office and his colleague Shoji are pulled into assisting the Tokyo Office’s Special Investigation Department to investigate influential Diet lawmaker Okouchi and Masumoto of a technical skills foundation. The two men are believed to be involved in a bribery case. But a key witness in this scandal commits suicide, and the next person believed to hold the key to the case, the foundation’s accountant, has disappeared.
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The dead body of Maki Tsujimoto, a popular stage actress, is discovered in a theater in Oji. After striking her in the back of the head with a bronze statue prop, the criminal laid the body on the floor and pointed a light at it, "directing" the crime scene as if it were a scene from a play.
Original Music Composer
Restaurant owner Kenji Nagata has been stabbed to death. When the police begin an investigation, a bag of human bones is discovered in Nagata's car and Detective Kajikawa asks anthropologist Kumiko Misaki to perform an examination. She discovers that the deceased was a man in his mid-twenties and that he died more than 15 years ago. Meanwhile, suspicion for Nagata's murder falls on his apprentice chef Ryohei Miyamura due to the murder weapon being a kitchen knife. Afterwards, Miyamura breaks into Kumiko's lab, but manages to escape...
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A female career banker shatters the glass ceiling of a mega bank by disclosing its shady business to light. Tamaki, the Gold Woman, has worked her way up to be appointed General Manager of the office regarded as the General Staff Headquar- ters of the Bank with an assignment to liquidate its subsidiary by laying off 200 employees in total. Such mentally challenging appointment was made via recommendation by her senior colleague Mai, a smart and foxy woman running ahead of Tamaki in her career. With the help of her male colleague, Tamaki, a lone female wolf dares to challenge the all-male executives to prove what a true business person is all about.
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Hirotoshi Honda, a teacher of a prestigious private girl’s high school, is arrested on suspicion of violating the nuisance prevention ordinance for molestation on a train and sent to prosecutor Sakata. High school student Reina claims he touched her buttocks in the packed train but Honda denies the crime and calls it a fabrication and claims he was blackmailed by Reina on the train platform. Reina denies his allegation. Even for a misdemeanor, Sakata believes not pursuing the truth is like death as a prosecutor.
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Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
A young woman is discovered strangled to death at the boat pier in Tokyo. There are no signs of disturbed clothing and assault, and because the body was abandoned at a prominent spot, it shows that this was a premeditated crime by a criminal with the presence of mind. Joto Chuo Police Precinct’s detective Kunihiko Katsuragi rushed to the scene, and the fact that the body is barefoot weighs on his mind. The next morning he finds out the commander assigned this case is his son Toshifumi.
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Original Music Composer
『復讐法廷』(ふくしゅうほうてい)は、テレビ朝日系で2015年2月7日の21:00 - 23:06(JST)に放送されたスペシャルドラマ。“復讐殺人”をテーマとしたリーガルサスペンス作品で、その背景にある司法の不備、人間が人間を裁く意味を問う。 アメリカの小説家・ヘンリー・デンカーに同名小説作品があるが、ヘンリーの名前や著作名はエンドロールにも公式サイトにもクレジットされず、「原作」や「原案」とは扱われなかった。しかし本編の最後に「本作はヘンリー・デンカー著『復讐法廷』のモチーフを参考にしておりますが、発表された当時のアメリカと現代の日本との時代背景や法律体系の違いに鑑み、オリジナルの部分を創作、付与して制作しております」とのテロップが入った。
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Original Music Composer
『松本清張 黒い福音〜国際線スチュワーデス殺人事件〜』のタイトルで、2014年1月19日21:00- 23:24 (JST)にテレビ朝日系列『日曜エンターテインメント』枠で、「テレビ朝日開局55周年記念 松本清張二夜連続ドラマスペシャル 昭和の二大未解決事件」の第二夜として放送された。
Original Music Composer
『松本清張ドラマスペシャル・三億円事件』(まつもとせいちょうドラマスペシャル・さんおくえんじけん)のタイトルで、2014年1月18日(21:00-23:21)、「テレビ朝日開局55周年記念 松本清張二夜連続ドラマスペシャル 昭和の二大未解決事件」の第一夜として放送された。ドラマの時期設定は、三億円事件時効成立の翌年、1976年とされている。ニューヨークの私立探偵事務所所長を務める私(G・セイヤーズ)は、1968年に日本で発生した三億円事件により、再保険の損失を被った本国・アメリカの保険会社の依頼を受け、来日、同事件の調査に乗り出した。
伊藤みどりを始め、浅田真央、村上佳菜子らを輩出した名古屋スポーツセンター(大須スケートリンク)を舞台に、家族がひとつになり少女スケーターを支えていく過程を描く。鎌田敏夫が書き下ろしたオリジナル作品で、冬季オリンピック日本初のメダリストである伊藤みどりと、浅田真央の実姉でもある浅田舞の特別出演に加えて、澤山璃奈や西田美和、新野陽子、小芝風花といったフィギュアスケート経験者や現役のコーチ、本田真凜(水元紗綾役を演じる本田望結の実姉)をはじめとした現役のジュニア選手たちが出演している。 また、トリノオリンピック女子フィギュアの金メダリストでもある荒川静香が特別協力という形でこの作品に参加している。
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2011年(平成23年)11月5日の21:00〜23:11に「ドラマスペシャル 宮部みゆき原作『火車』」として放送された。製作局は1994年(平成6年)版と同じテレビ朝日。土曜ワイド劇場と同じ時間枠だが、土曜ワイド劇場の作品ではなくスペシャルドラマ(特別番組)として放送された。
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A drab middle-aged man with thoughts of committing suicide and an extraordinary child prodigy plan a fake kidnap in exchange for a ransom of 10 billion yen.
Yokoyama Kenji, the president of an event company that organizes matchmaking parties, meets Mita Soichiro (Shunsuke Kubozuka) who works for a first-class trading company. The two plan to rob an art dealer, Kurokawa Haruo, of a large amount of money, but are discovered by his daughter, Kurokawa Chie. After that, the two meet Chie again, and are invited to join in her in a scheme to steal 1 billion yen.