Jim O'Brady

Jim O'Brady

出生 : 1907-05-13, England, UK

死亡 : 1991-01-01


Jim O'Brady


Man in Pub (uncredited)
Rough, tough and politically incorrect in the way that only the best 70's dramas can be, Regan was a pilot film for The Sweeney - one of the major television successes of the last fifty years. Featuring John Thaw as the irascible Detective Inspector Regan and Dennis Waterman as his loyal 'oppo' Detective Sergeant Carter, Regan was an immediate critical and ratings hit, resulting in four series of The Sweeney and two successful feature films. Jack Regan is a good copper, but his tough, intuitive style is becoming unfashionable in a Scotland Yard seeking a new image. When a policeman is mysteriously murdered, Regan breaks all the rules to find the killer - but he finds there are men in the Flying Squad prepared to break him.
Endless Night
Workman (uncredited)
Shiftless dreamer Michael Rogers fantasizes about a lifestyle above his means and marries a wealthy, young girl who just came of age. They hire a famous architect to build their dream home amidst a series of suspicious incidents. The spouse has dark intentions toward his naive, inexperienced bride. Secrets from his past and sinister ties to their house guest Greta lead to a terrible turn of unexpected events.
I Start Counting
Man Waiting in Line to Buy Ice Cream (uncredited)
An English schoolgirl suspects the foster brother she worships is the serial killer at large.
ドラキュラ 血の味
Mission Hall Diner
Three elderly distinguished gentlemen are searching for some excitement in their boring borgoueis lives and gets in contact with one of count Dracula's servants. In a nightly ceremony they restore the count back to life. The three men killed Dracula's servant and as a revenge, the count makes sure that the gentlemen are killed one by one by their own sons.
冒険小説の巨匠アリステア・マクリーンのベストセラーを映画化。原作者自らが脚本も担当したアクション大作。 第2次大戦中、“鷲の城”と呼ばれる難攻不落のドイツ軍要塞に捕らわれの身となったアメリカの将軍を救出するため、スミス少佐(リチャード・バートン)率いる6人のイギリス諜報部員と、アメリカ軍シェイファー中尉(クリント・イーストウッド)による特殊部隊が、鷲の城に侵入する。しかし状況は二転三転、意外な事実が明らかにされていく…。
The Plague of the Zombies
Pub Patron
Sir James Forbes arrives in a remote Cornish village to identify a mysterious plague afflicting the population. Local squire Charles, a disciple of Haitian witchcraft, is using the voodoo magic to resurrect the dead to work in his decrepit and unsafe tin mines that are shunned by the local population. But his magic relies on human sacrifice and he unleashes his army of the undead on the unsuspecting village with horrific consequences.
Man in Pub
French Dressing
Film Festival Patron (uncredited)
A deck-chair attendant at a British resort promotes a film festival featuring a French sexpot.
Krilencu's Henchman (uncredited)
ソビエト連邦情報機関の最高幹部会議は、西側の情報機関に打撃を与えるため、スメルシュの手によってイギリス秘密情報部の情報部員ジェームズ・ボンドをはずかしめて殺すことに決定した。チェスのモスクワ選手権タイトル保持者でスメルシュ企画課長のクロンスティーンが立てた計画に基づき、第2課長ローザ・クレッブ大佐は、タチアナ・ロマノーヴァ伍長を囮に仕立てた。 ボンドに夢中になったソ連職員タチアナが、暗号解読器「スペクター」を手土産に亡命を望んでいるという連絡が入り、ボンドはイスタンブルへ派遣された。首尾よくタチアナと解読器を確保したボンドは、夫婦を装いオリエント急行に乗り込んで国外脱出を図るが、そこにはスメルシュの放った刺客グラントが待っていた。
Billy Liar
Prisoner Escort (uncredited)
A young Englishman dreams of escaping from his working class family and dead-end job as an undertaker's assistant. A number of indiscretions cause him to lie in order to avoid the penalties. His life turns into a mess and he has an opportunity to run away and leave it all behind.
The Whole Truth
Film Studio Stagehand
On the French Riviera, movie producer Max Poulton is on location shooting a film starring his lover, Gina Bertini. But when the rueful Max ends his fling with Gina to return to his loyal wife, Carol, the jilted actress threatens to reveal details of their affair to Carol. Later, at a party at Max's villa, investigator Carliss arrives with news that Gina has been killed and that Max is a murderer suspect.
A Kid for Two Farthings
Wrestling Match Spectator (uncredited)
Joe is a young boy who lives with his mother, Joanna, in working-class London. The two reside above the tailor shop of Mr. Kandinsky, who likes to tell Joe stories. When Kandinsky informs Joe that a unicorn can grant wishes, the hopeful lad ends up buying a baby goat with one tiny horn, believing it to be a real unicorn. Undaunted by his rough surroundings, Joe sets about to prove that wishes can come true.
They Can't Hang Me
Nick's Thug (uncredited)
A murderer hopes to escape his death sentence by identifying the leaders of a spy ring.
That Lady
Jailer (uncredited)
In 1570, widowed Princess Ana de Mendoza becomes the love object of a deadly rivalry between her cousin Don Inigo, King Philip II of Spain and his secretary of state Antonio Perez.
Passage Home
Ship's Crewman at Presentation
Set in 1931, the film takes place aboard a merchant ship, briefly harboured in South America. A young woman (Diane Cilento) boards the ship as a passenger, resulting in disharmony among the superstitious crew members. Virtuous seaman Anthony Steel protects the girl from the lecherous advances of captain Peter Finch.
The Men of Sherwood Forest
Robin Hood is persuaded by two nobles whom he believes to be loyal to King Richard to recover secret plans attaining to the rescue of the king from captivity in Germany. Though disguised as a troubadour, Robin is betrayed and captured. Lady Alys and the merry men help him escape in time to foil an intended ambush on King Richard as he returns from the Crusades.
Lease of Life
Engine Driver (uncredited)
The parson of a small rural community knows he is dying and this makes him reconsider his life so far and what he can still do to help the community.
Never Let Me Go
Guard at Bolshoi Theatre (uncredited)
An American reporter falls in love with a Russian ballet dancer.
The Cruel Sea
Sailor in Water
At the start of World War II, Cmdr. Ericson is assigned to convoy escort HMS Compass Rose with inexperienced officers and men just out of training. The winter seas make life miserable enough, but the men must also harden themselves to rescuing survivors of U-Boat attacks, while seldom able to strike back. Traumatic events afloat and ashore create a warm bond between the skipper and his first officer
The Man in the White Suit
Mill Worker (uncredited)
The unassuming, nebbishy inventor Sidney Stratton creates a miraculous fabric that will never be dirty or worn out. Clearly he can make a fortune selling clothes made of the material, but may cause a crisis in the process. After all, once someone buys one of his suits they won't ever have to fix them or buy another one, and the clothing industry will collapse overnight. Nevertheless, Sidney is determined to put his invention on the market, forcing the clothing factory bigwigs to resort to more desperate measures...
Calling Bulldog Drummond
Customer in Last Word Club (uncredited)
Bulldog Drummond leaves retirement to help a Scotland Yard Sergeant catch thieves armed with radar.
Treasure Island
Enchanted by the idea of locating treasure buried by Captain Flint, Squire Trelawney, Dr. Livesey and Jim Hawkins charter a sailing voyage to a Caribbean island. Unfortunately, a large number of Flint's old pirate crew are aboard the ship, including Long John Silver.
Broken Journey
Man Pushing Past Mary (uncredited)
Passengers and crew struggle to survive after their plane crashes in the Alps.
Dick Barton: Special Agent
Henchman in Fist Fight
Government agent Dick Barton battles a ring of Nazi spies who are planning to poison the entire London water supply.