Seiya Nakano

Seiya Nakano

出生 : 1938-09-16, Chiba Prefecture, Japan


Seiya Nakano (中野 誠也, Nakano Seiya, born September 16, 1938) is a veteran Japanese actor from Chiba Prefecture. He has been a member of Haiyuza Theater Company since 1961.


Seiya Nakano
Seiya Nakano


この世界的ベストセラー小説の映画化を待っていた──。世界 30 か国以上で翻訳されている「ムーンライト・シャドウ」(新潮文庫「キッチン」収録)。吉本ばななの原点とも言える名作ラブストーリーが 33 年の時を経て遂に映画化。主人公・さつきを演じるのは、小松菜奈。作品ごとに圧倒的な演技力を発揮し開花し続ける彼女にとって、初の長編映画単独主演となる。さつきの恋人・等役には、役者として目覚ましい活躍をみせる宮沢氷魚。そして監督は、以前から原作ファンだったというマレーシア出身のエドモンド・ヨウ。これからのアジアを牽引するフレッシュかつ実力あるキャスト・スタッフが集結し、ニュー・アジア・フィルムが誕生した。人は、愛する者を失った時、どうやってその喪失感を乗り越えていくのだろうか。「ムーンライト・シャドウ」で描かれるのは、さつきと等の純美な恋愛、現実と幻想の狭間のような優美な世界観、そして哀しみを受け止めて力強く生きていこうとするヒロインの姿。すべての人の心に沁みる、心を揺さぶる、「さよなら」と「はじまり」のラブストーリー。恋人の突然の死に向き合うことができず、深い哀しみに打ちひしがれるさつきは、以前耳にした“月影現象”に次第に導かれていく。それは、満月の夜の終わりに死者ともう一度会えるかもしれない、という不思議な現象だった......。
The Neighbor
Tsutsui Fumio
One day, drawn to a mysterious song coming from the next-door apartment unit, Shunsuke meets Setsu, an old woman who claims she has been waiting for 400 years to become his wife.
伊能忠敬 子午線の夢
A new shogun is appointed to the throne when his brother dies. He find out that the former Shogun one of the women from his brothers harem became pregnant, but she escaped. The new Shogun would loose the throne if the child is a boy. Genshiro is doctor who, among other things, performs abortions, and is sheltering his love, another women who escaped from the harem. The new Shogun threatens to arrest the girl unless Genshiro hunts down the woman and aborts her child. Genshiro learns that the woman releases a "musky scent from her special area" when in ecstasy. Both Genshiro and his friend set out to find all the women of the former harem and have sex with them, by force if necessary.
The Saika clan, that had succeeded in battle against the large armies of Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, had in the Tokugawa era of Ieyasu, been driven into the mountains 7 generations later, forced into subsistence hunting. A man comes to them offering revenge: to assassinate current Tokugawa Shogun Yoshimune. (Made-for-TV movie)
日本フィルハーモニー物語 炎の第五楽章
When a broadcasting company takes away its financial support from a symphony orchestra, some of the members refuse to admit defeat. The first violinist returns to his home and manages to get the orchestra back together for a grandiose performance, saved at the last minute by their original conductor -- and boding well for the future of the die-hard musicians.
Death stalks a towering hotel under construction in Tokyo and love brings the guilty parties to a justice of their own choice. The motives are control of the hotel, blackmail and jealousy. The principals involved are two business partners, a political string puller and his son, lovers carrying on an illicit affair and a secretary turned blackmailer.
Based on a novel by Ayako Miura.
A beautifully told story of a woman hardened by marriage to a man she doesn't love, after giving herself to another. She dedicates herself to her work, designing and creating plaited cords for kimono.
陸軍中野学校 雲一号指令
Shintani Seiichiro, Hana's son
Epic saga of an idealistic land-owning family dealing with militarism, war, social change and economic reform.
警視庁物語 行方不明
Koyama, eigineer
Two people disappeared, engineers of the company Yamato Matsui and Koyama. The two worked overtime, and it is proven that they consumed alcohol together. According to the sushi restaurant employee who delivered the order around 9 p.m., the two were arguing loudly. Traces of blood were found at the scene, and it looks like a murder occurred. The Investigative Department begins an investigation… The 24nd work from the popular series "Keishicho Monogatari", which documents the activities of the First Investigation Division of the Capital Police Department.