Clair Weeks

出生 : 1911-09-14, Mussoorie - India

死亡 : 1996-08-26


Animator for Walt Disney Studios for two decades. Brought up in India as the son of a missionary, Weeks joined Disney in 1936 and contributed to such classics as "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," "Bambi," "Cinderella" and "Sleeping Beauty." After time out to serve in the military during World War II, Weeks went on to work on most of the major animated films the studio made in the late 1940s and early '50s. In 1956, he went to Bombay as a U.S. representative helping India establish an animation studio. In India, Weeks worked primarily on animated segments of documentaries used to educate and instruct the public. He continued as an ambassador of animation and for 16 years traveled throughout Asia, helping several countries develop animation industries. On Aug. 26 in Los Alamitos of cancer. -LA Times Obituary


The Little House
A small house has to try to compete with progress and the encroaching press of the big city.
Animation Production Assistant
美しく心優しい白雪姫。その美しさを妬む継母の女王から命を脅かされ、森の奥深くに逃れた白雪姫は、7人のこびとたち―おとぼけ、ねぼすけ、くしゃみ、てれすけ、ごきげん、先生、おこりんぼ―と出会い、一緒に暮らし始める。 ある日、老婆に姿を変えた女王が訪ねて来て、毒リンゴを口にしてしまった白雪姫。横たわる白雪姫の傍らで悲しむこびとたちの元に王子様が現れて…。
Banyan Deer
Animation Supervisor
First Indian animated film in color, based on a tale from the Buddhist Jatakas.