謎の殺人事件が発生。被害者の男は車の中で股間を銃で撃たれて死亡していた。 この事件の捜査を担当することになった、ダーティ・ハリーことサンフランシスコ市警のハリー・キャラハン刑事は、日頃から強引な検挙でトラブルが多く、身内から疎まれていた。そこで、ほとぼりを冷ます意味もあって被害者の出身地サンポーロへの出張捜査を命じられる。ハリーは単身被害者の関係先に聞き込みを試みるが、その地でも同様手口の事件が発生してしまう。閉鎖的な田舎警察の署長はハリーの捜査に協力するどころか揉め事を持ち込んだのはハリー本人だとしてさっさと町を追い出そうとする。孤立するハリーはそんな中ジェニファーという女性と出会って恋仲になる。彼女には人知れず苦悩する重い過去があるようだった。
Confederate veterans of the last battle of the Civil War set out to find a hidden treasure.
Confederate veterans of the last battle of the Civil War set out to find a hidden treasure.
Dr. Kress
A Texas Ranger hunts for a hooded serial killer terrorizing the residents of a small town, set in 1946 Arkansas. Loosely based on a true story.
A Texas Ranger hunts for a hooded serial killer terrorizing the residents of a small town, set in 1946 Arkansas. Loosely based on a true story.
Original Story
In 1884, an eleven-year-old Quaker boy sets out on his own to seek revenge against a gang of outlaws who senselessly murdered his family.
In 1884, an eleven-year-old Quaker boy sets out on his own to seek revenge against a gang of outlaws who senselessly murdered his family.
Mr. Pepperdine
In 1884, an eleven-year-old Quaker boy sets out on his own to seek revenge against a gang of outlaws who senselessly murdered his family.
Smallpox plagues Chief Winterhawk's tribe. He seeks cure from the white men, who in turn, in fear of getting the smallpox, kill two of his companions. Winterhawk comes back to kidnap a girl and her brother from the white men's settlement, and thus begins the chase...
The Sheriff
A bunch of bootleggers run booze in the South.
A bunch of bootleggers run booze in the South.
Associate Producer
A documentary-style drama based on true accounts of the Fouke Monster in Arkansas, Boggy Creek focuses on the lives of back country people and their culture while chronicling sightings of the monster.
A documentary-style drama based on true accounts of the Fouke Monster in Arkansas, Boggy Creek focuses on the lives of back country people and their culture while chronicling sightings of the monster.