Chris Theisinger


Plane Passenger
A team of Arctic geologists stumble across an abandoned laboratory in which the Nazis developed an incredible and brutal secret weapon during the final months of WW2. Deep in the ice, they accidentally awake a deadly army of flying zombie sharks ridden by genetically mutated, undead super-humans, who are unleashed into the skies, wreaking their bloodthirsty revenge on any aircraft that takes to the air. An elite task force is assembled to take on this deadly threat and stop the Sky Sharks from conquering the air, but as time runs out, the task force realises they will have to fight fire with fire, and the stage is set for the greatest flying super-mutant zombie shark air battle the world has ever seen....
SS Doctor
The story of Kurt, a young art student who falls in love with fellow student, Ellie. Ellie’s father, Professor Seeband, a famous doctor, is dismayed at his daughter’s choice of boyfriend, and vows to destroy the relationship. What neither of them knows is that their lives are already connected through a terrible crime Seeband committed decades ago.
Paul Bacher is in crisis. If he could feel in the past as one of the most influential writers of his generation, he has long lacked ideas and impetus for a new great work. His reading tours are becoming more and more a sad affair with too much alcohol and too little public. Then Paul overflows in a drunken hitchhiker, flees first scared and later removes the body, without talking to anyone about the experience. But something is flowing in its interior. Paul starts to write again. The criticism is done, but the story about the death of a hitchhiker also arouses suspicion.
Einen Moment fürs Leben
Botschafts Security
In Dublin, Blake Lester breaks Lucy Silchester's dream by preferring an overseas TV show career move over their marriage plans since years. Receiving a mystery letter 'from her life', Lucy seeks consolation with mates Adam, Melanie, Lisa and Jamie. Angrily Lucy meets critical sender Cosmo, who urges her to set priorities among colleagues, family, friends and truth to correct her derailed life, which she finds hard to disprove by showing happiness. Lying to boss Edna costs her job. Desperate hitting rock bottom, she attempt to win successful Blake back. Her protective brother, attorney Riley, and Cosmo rather favor attractive carpet cleaner and neighborhood urchins football 'coach' Don Lockwood, who consents, yet this fails as she retracts despite good sex while he works in her apartment. Sad news about her neighbor Claire, a breakup between workaholic father Samuel and 'neglected' mother-housewife Sheila make Lucy die reconsider her own priorities.
NSDAP-Mann im Café
Four young Jews survive the Third Reich in the middle of Berlin by living so recklessly that they become "invisible."
Godless Youth
Polizist im Gerichtssaal
German students compete to enter one of the country's elite schools.
ネイビーシールズ ナチスの金塊を奪還せよ!
Sergeant First Class Dubois
1995年、紛争末期のサラエボ。強引かつ大胆な戦略で敵の将軍を拉致、敵に囲まれたら戦車で大暴走とやりたい放題のマット率いる5人のネイビーシールズ。 上官のレヴィン少将も手を焼く毎日。そんな中、メンバーの一人が恋に落ちたウェイトレスから聞いた、湖に沈んだナチスの金塊・総額3億ドルの話。それさえあれば、戦争に苦しむ避難民を救うことが出来ると懇願され、5人も作戦を立てることに。 タイムリミットはわずか8時間。敵陣真っただ中にある湖の水深45mの湖底から、重さ27トンの金塊をどう運び出すのか? 彼らのとんでもない奇策とは!? 史上最強のアウトサイダーたちが挑む、前代未聞の奪還作戦、遂に始動!!
Der gute Bulle
キュア 〜禁断の隔離病棟〜
Wallstreet Broker (uncredited)
ウォールストリートで働く金融マンのロックハートが役員に呼び出されて会議室に向かうと、社長のロバート・E・ペンブロークからの「会社には戻らない」と書かれた手紙を見せられ、実際に休暇から戻ってきていないことを知らされる。ロックハートの不正に気付いている役員たちは彼に圧力をかけ、スイスの療養所まで迎えに行くよう命じた。 ロックハートが療養所に到着すると既に面会時間を過ぎていたものの、責任者と交渉して夜には会えるように取り計らってもらう。ロックハートは一旦ホテルに向かうため療養所から離れるが、途中でタクシーが鹿に激突して大事故になってしまう。
Four Against the Bank
Four men, betrayed by the bank, unite to take revenge.
Tödliche Gefühle
Pola investigates on her own after her friend Tina has disappeared without a trace after a blind date on the Berlin Museum Island. Tina's profile on a dating portal finally leads Pola to her lover Sven. At the same time, Tina's husband Karl receives a sex video featuring Tina and Sven. A short time later, Sven is dead, and the bound Tina is released from his apartment. Everything points to Karl as the culprit.
The Missing Woman
An award-winning performer trio and a sophisticated story characterize the thrilling TV thriller "The Missing Woman". From the naive betrayed to the tough revenge angel Corinna Harfouch turns into the lead role. At her side, Ulrich Matthes silently plays a professional killer, who does not look at the cards. Never laying an excuse, is the Dortmund crime scene commissar Jörg Hartmann in the role of a shameless swindler. Because all three want to cash in on the life insurance, begins a game of fraud and extortion, in which also the red light milieu interferes.
Der Bankraub
Zwei Leben. Eine Hoffnung.
German Police Officer (uncredited)
1936年ナチス独裁政権下で開催されたベルリンオリンピックで史上初の4冠を達成したアメリカ人陸上競技選手ジェシー・オーエンスの半生を描く。貧しい家庭に生まれながら、陸上選手として中学時代から類いまれな才能を発揮していたジェシー・オーエンスは、オハイオ州立大学でコーチのラリー・スナイダーと出会い、オリンピックを目指して日々練習に励む。しかし、アメリカ国内では、ナチスに反対し、ベルリンオリンピックをボイコットする機運が高まっていた。そして黒人であるオーエンスにとって、ナチスによる人種差別政策は、当然容認できるものではなかった。オーエンス役を「グローリー 明日への行進」のステファン・ジェームス、コーチのスナイダー役を「モンスター上司」のジェイソン・サダイキスがそれぞれ演じ、オスカー俳優のジェレミー・アイアンズ、ウィリアム・ハートが脇を固める。監督は「プレデター2」のスティーブン・ホプキンス。
SS / SD Sturmführer
S.I. Tactical Ops (uncredited)
Brief an mein Leben
Gast im Restaurant
Diagnosis burnout: The successful career woman Toni Lehmstedt can be referred to a psychiatric clinic after a physical breakdown. Urs Egger's free adaptation of the biographical novel of the same name by Miriam Meckel with Grimme award winner Marie Bäumer in the leading role.