Yûichi Harada

出生 : 1940-08-26, Tokyo, Japan


藤沢周平の同名小説を北大路欣也の主演で映像化したTV放送向けの時代劇。徳川家の次代将軍の座をめぐる陰謀劇に巻き込まれた主人公、その悪戦苦闘をスリリングに描いた。 江戸時代の中期。妻の予期せぬ不倫をきっかけに御家人の立場を捨て、長屋住まいをしていた腕利きの剣士・鶴見源次郎はある晩、大勢の浪人たちがひとりの男性を斬り殺す現場に偶然立ち会う。男性は公儀隠密で、死ぬ間際の彼から密書を託されたことから、源次郎は徳川家の次代将軍の座をめぐる意外な陰謀劇の渦中に巻き込まれる事態に。老中の松平から助太刀を頼まれた源次郎は、八嶽党なる闇の徒党の暗躍阻止に乗り出すのだが……。
大江戸無頼 河内山宗俊
Kotiyama is a swindler and extortionist, the head of a whole gang of crooks, usually posing as a poor monk; once he really took vows, but he was kicked out of the monastery long ago. He is enterprising, smart and not too cruel, so his accomplices love him. Posing as an envoy from the abbot of the Kennei Temple, Kotiama plays a show in front of Lord Matsue with an income of 150,000 koku, and extorts money from him. The film is based on the famous play by Kawatake Mokuami.
A Young couple find a boad buried under a beach,and are taken to another world where they must face a Deadly cult who want to sacrifice them.