Executive Producer
In a futuristic world where militaristic robots known as the “Media Police” have outlawed entertainment and banned outdated media formats, a young woman and her robotic companion aim to recover vintage content stored on video cassettes and battle their evil robot overlords to protect “obsolete” media from being lost forever.
A perverted robot hitchhikes cross-country with an attractive woman in hopes of photographing her naked.
The pornographic dream girl of the boy character from “ME!ME!ME!” becomes lonely in a peaceful paradise, as the boy becomes committed to a safe relationship.
A revolutionary new prime minister liberates Japan and carries out policies he promised to the voters of Japan.
A diary. Purikura stickers. Blue-white 3rd Planet Administration Treaty Army. 7:00 am. Triangle situation. Camouflage pattern. The secret toasted bread. 1088th Independent Mobile Platoon. SaHa E233. Type Otsu Foreign Legion. Beast-vehicle. “Hi, guys.” Campfire. Pan-galactic rare crystal Ikemeshium. Tears.
Every single day as always. The way to home as always. The thing waiting ahead is…?
Shinji, Rei, and Asuka in their states at the end of “Evangelion: 3.0.” A post-Impact world.
“Mobile Suit Gundam” series are still favored by various generations, passed its 35th anniversary. The animators who played the core roles in the memorable first series “Mobile Suit Gundam” are Yoshikazu Yasuhiko and Ichiro Itano: “We would like to leave the key animations as the film production to posterity to praise their achievements, which influenced not only on the audience but also on the current anime industry.”