Yamato Mashiko

Yamato Mashiko

出生 : , Saitama Prefecture, Japan


Yamato Mashiko is a ballet dancer born in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. In 2008, Yamato Mashiko enrolled at the K Ballet School, immersing himself in the art. His passion for ballet led him to study at the prestigious Elmhurst School in the United Kingdom. Notably, in 2010, Yamato achieved the semifinalist status at the 38th Prix de Lausanne International Ballet Competition. In April 2012, Yamato joined the K Ballet Company as an artist. Over the years, his dedication and talent propelled him to new heights: in August 2014, he was promoted to First Artist, and in September 2017, he attained the esteemed rank of Soloist. His journey with the company reached its culmination in July 2019 when he bid farewell. Yamato Mashiko's performances on stage have been nothing short of captivating. He graced the roles of Ali/Rankedem in "Le Corsaire," Bluebird in "The Sleeping Beauty," Snow King/Flower Waltz Soloist in "The Nutcracker," Mercutio/Benvolio in "Romeo and Juliet," Prince's Friend/Two Jesters in "Cinderella," and the Pa de Six in "Giselle." His elegance shone in "Swan Lake" as Benno and in the "Bayadère" as the Bronze Idol. Notably, Yamato took the lead in Laurent Petit's choreographed "Arlesienne." Beyond the ballet stage, Yamato showcased his versatility by stepping into the world of acting. In January 2014, he appeared as Yagyu Koshaku in the TBS New Year's Special Drama "The Sleeping Forest." In the modern age, Yamato has continued to captivate audiences in innovative ways. In June 2020, he established the "YAMATO's Ballet Channel/やまちゃん" on YouTube, sharing his passion and insights with the world.


Yamato Mashiko


Kosuke Yagyu
警視庁捜査一課の刑事・加賀恭一郎(阿部寛)は、ひょんなことからバレエ「白鳥の湖」を観にいく羽目になるが、興味の無い上に徹夜明けということも重なり、公演中に居眠りをしてしまう。しかし、途中で目を覚ました加賀は、浅岡未緒(石原さとみ)が演じる黒鳥に目を奪われ、その才能にすっかり魅了される…。 そんなある日、その公演を主催する名門・高柳バレエ団の事務所で、ある男が殺された。居合わせたバレリーナ・斎藤葉瑠子(木南晴夏)が被疑者とされ事情聴取を受けるが、不審者から身を守る上での正当防衛だと主張。被害者の男・風間利之(内田朝陽)と葉瑠子は面識がなく、プリマである高柳亜希子(音月桂)を中心に、バレエ団側も葉瑠子の証言を疑わなかった。 石神井北署の太田刑事(柄本明)は、当初この案件にやたらと首をつっこんでくる加賀に対して冷たい態度をとっていたが、次第にその捜査姿勢や観察眼に一目置くように。徐々に捜査に熱を帯びていく加賀に対し、嫌味を言いながらも冷静になるよう諭しつつ、2人はパートナーとして捜査を進める。 捜査が進む中で幾つかの不審な点が浮かび上がり、事件が混迷を極める中、今度は「眠りの森の美女」のゲネプロ中に、バレエ団の敏腕演出家・梶田康成(平岳大)が毒殺された。果たして、最初の事件と関係があるのか…!?