Gareth Van Niekerk


Sound Effects Editor
デビュー曲「drivers license」で、初登場から8週連続全米シングルチャート1位という記録を打ち立て、ディズニープラスのオリジナルドラマシリーズ『ハイスクール・ミュージカル:ザ・ミュージカル』では主役のニニ役を演じブレイクした、19歳のオリヴィア・ロドリゴのデビューアルバム「サワー」の作曲過程を追ったドキュメンタリーシリーズ。 挿入曲の新しいアレンジ映像や密着インタビュー、貴重なメイキング映像などを通して、「サワー」に収録された楽曲の物語を巡る。
Sound Effects Editor
第2次世界大戦中の1943年。連合国空軍の女性大尉モード・ギャレットが、フールズ・エランド号と命名され た B-17爆撃機に乗り込んだ。上官からの密命を帯びたモードの任務は、極秘の最高機密をニュージーランド からサモアへ運ぶこと。オール男性の乗組員たちから卑猥な言葉を浴びせられながらも、ひたむきにミッション を遂行しようとするモードだったが、銃座の窓から機の右翼にまとわりつく、謎の生物を目撃する―。そしてある 重大な秘密を隠し持つ彼女が、この爆撃機に乗った本当の理由とは......。
Sound Effects Editor
ゲーム会社のプログラマー、マイルズ(ダニエル・ラドクリフ)はネットのコメント欄に過激な書き込みをする“クソリプ”で日々の鬱憤を晴らしていた。ある日、殺し合いを生配信する闇サイト「スキズム」でクソリプ祭りをしていたマイルズは、闇の組織に襲撃されてしまう。目を覚ますと、マイルズの両手にはボルトで拳銃が固定されていた!! さらに「スキズム」に参加し最凶の殺し屋ニックス(サマラ・ウィーヴィング)と戦って 24 時間以内に勝てと命令される。彼女のノヴァ(ナターシャ・リュー・ボルディッゾ)も人質にとられてしまい、逃げ場なし!! 果たしてマイルズは、二丁拳銃(=アキンボ)を武器にこの無理ゲーを攻略し、彼女を救うことができるのかー!?
Sound Effects Editor
After receiving a cryptic letter from his estranged father, Norval travels to his dad’s oceanfront home for what he hopes will be a positive experience. If only he’d known the dark truth about his old man beforehand.
Candy's Crush
Sound Mixer
An intimate portrait of professional Samoan/Kiwi wrestler and trans woman Leilani Tominiko, better known as the super extra Candy Lee. Leilani talks about her journey as a trans woman and also her dreams of conquering the world of wrestling, following the footsteps of her biggest female idol.
Candy's Crush
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
An intimate portrait of professional Samoan/Kiwi wrestler and trans woman Leilani Tominiko, better known as the super extra Candy Lee. Leilani talks about her journey as a trans woman and also her dreams of conquering the world of wrestling, following the footsteps of her biggest female idol.
Candy's Crush
An intimate portrait of professional Samoan/Kiwi wrestler and trans woman Leilani Tominiko, better known as the super extra Candy Lee. Leilani talks about her journey as a trans woman and also her dreams of conquering the world of wrestling, following the footsteps of her biggest female idol.
ADR Recordist
Dialogue Editor
Two teenage boys unwittingly summon an ancient evil entity known as The Blind One by delving into black magic while trying to escape their mundane lives.
Sound Designer
Two teenage boys unwittingly summon an ancient evil entity known as The Blind One by delving into black magic while trying to escape their mundane lives.
Two teenage boys unwittingly summon an ancient evil entity known as The Blind One by delving into black magic while trying to escape their mundane lives.
Tyrannical Love
Original Music Composer
Tyrannical Love is a film about the quirkiness of life and love when you are no longer a kid but not quite an adult. There is something for everyone in this ensemble piece about a close knit group of friends and the events that take place on New Years 1999. Most people believe that finding love is the greatest thing than can ever hapen to you, but some believe it is nothing but a fascist dictator that rules over your life.
Tyrannical Love
Tyrannical Love is a film about the quirkiness of life and love when you are no longer a kid but not quite an adult. There is something for everyone in this ensemble piece about a close knit group of friends and the events that take place on New Years 1999. Most people believe that finding love is the greatest thing than can ever hapen to you, but some believe it is nothing but a fascist dictator that rules over your life.