Admiralty Military Intel Officer
始まりも、超過激 世界大戦を止めろ!超過激なファースト・ミッション始動!!表の顔は、高貴なる英国紳士。裏の顔は、世界最強のスパイ組織“キングスマン”。国家に属さないこの秘密結社の最初の任務は、世界大戦を終わらせることだった…!──1914年。世界大戦を密かに操る謎の狂団に、英国貴族のオックスフォード公と息子コンラッドが立ち向かう。人類破滅へのタイムリミットが迫る中、彼らは仲間たちと共に戦争を止めることができるのか?歴史の裏に隠されたキングスマン誕生秘話を描く、超過激スパイ・アクションシリーズ第3弾。最も過激なファースト・ミッションが始まる!
Thomas Neuman-Hansen
What is a human life worth? How is it possible that a woman like Agnes could agree to kill another human being? Is it the money? Or are there other forces at play?
Ella discovers a terrifying secret when she becomes trapped in an underground storage facility. To survive she must join forces with a group of strangers, each with something to hide.
After Dave's flat is robbed, he hunts for the criminal through the worlds of quantum physics and haberdashery, all in search of a mobile phone.
Will and Jacob are lovers but are worlds apart. Will is a golden boy, tall, fair, and accustomed to success. He is loved by his family, has "come out" to his parents, but conceals his homosexuality from his colleagues. Jacob on the other had is as dark as Will is fair, of a large hardworking Italian family who could never accept his homosexuality.