Charlese Antoinette Jones
Costume Design
1983 年、ナイキ本社。ソニー・ヴァッカロ(マット・デイモン)は、CEO であるフィル・ナイト(ベン・アフレック)からバスケットボール部門を立て直すよう言い渡される。業界の負け犬だったナイキチームは、無名の選手マイケル・ジョーダンを見つけ、今までのルールを変える一発逆転の賭けと取引に出るのだった・・・
Costume Designer
史上最高の女性 R&B ポップ ボーカリスト、ホイットニー ヒューストンの人生と音楽を讃える、楽しく、感動的で、悲痛な祝祭。 無名から音楽のスーパースターになるまでの彼女の旅を追跡します。
Costume Design
Senegalese immigrant Aisha lands a job as a nanny for a wealthy Manhattan couple. As she prepares for the arrival of the son she left behind in Senegal, a violent presence begins to invade both her dreams and her reality, threatening to destroy the American Dream she is painstakingly piecing together.
Costume Design
Costume Design
As two teen prodigies try to master the art of time travel, a tragic police shooting sends them on a series of dangerous trips to the past.
Costume Design
A tomboy comes into her own when she decides not to wear a dress to prom.
Costume Design
It's the summer before 6th grade, and Clark is the new-in-town biracial kid in a sea of white. Discovering that to be cool he needs to act 'more black,' he fumbles to meet expectations, while his urban intellectual parents Mack and Gina also strive to adjust to small-town living. Equipped for the many inherent challenges of New York, the tight-knit family are ill prepared for the drastically different set of obstacles that their new community presents, and soon find themselves struggling to understand themselves and each other in this new suburban context.
Costume Design
A small town loner and a rebellious punk rocker unexpectedly fall in love as they are forced on the run and soon discover violence follows them everywhere.
Costume Design
Two co-dependent sisters, a recovering sex addict and a lonely lesbian who work as hotel maids in Fresno, go to ludicrous lengths to cover up an accidental crime.
Costume Design
A short film focusing on bawdy talk and Italian-American stereotypes of African-Americans.
Costume Designer
This dreamlike fusion of political thriller and science-fiction fantasia is set to original music by Beyoncé.
Costume Design
Coming of age story about two inner city youths, who are left to fend for themselves over the summer after their mothers are taken away by the authorities.
Costume Design
A match made in stoner heaven turns into a love triangle gone awry when Lyle can't decide which matters most, Nina or Mary Jane.