Carrie Foster


Art Department Coordinator
The only U.S. Marshal assigned to Antarctica, Carrie Stetko will soon leave the harsh environment behind for good – in three days, the sun will set and the Amundsen-Scott Research Station will shut down for the long winter. When a body is discovered out on the open ice, Carrie's investigation into the continent's first homicide plunges her deep into a mystery that may cost her her own life.
パニッシャー: ウォー・ゾーン
Art Department Coordinator
Just a Walk in the Park
Art Department Coordinator
Adam is a dog walker. Adam agrees to watch one of his customers, A.J. Preston, penthouse apartment. Rachel mistakes Adam for Preston. He does not come clean quickly.
Savage Messiah
Art Department Coordinator
Savage Messiah is a docudrama about Roch "Moïse" Thériault, the charismatic former leader of a small religious group based near Burnt River, Ontario, Canada. Between 1977 and 1989 he held sway over as many as 12 adults and 26 children. He used all of the nine women as concubines, and probably fathered most of the children in the group. During his reign, Thériault mutilated several members. His major crime was to kill Solange Boilard, his legal wife, by disembowelment while trying to perform surgery on her. He was arrested for assault in 1989, and convicted of murder in 1993. Along with Clifford Olsen and Paul Bernardo, Thériault is considered one of Canada's most notorious criminals.
Art Department Coordinator
ブルース・ウィリス主演のサスペンスコメディ。殺し屋が隣に引っ越してきて巻き起こる騒動をブラックユーモアを交えて描く。 閑静な住宅街に殺し屋が引っ越してきたことから巻き起こる騒動を、ブラックユーモアを交えて描いたサスペンスコメディ。マフィアに命を狙われている伝説のヒットマンをブルース・ウィリスが独特な佇まいで好演。隣人を演じたマシュー・ペリーは、公開当時テレビドラマ『フレンズ』に出演中の人気絶頂期。2人の息の合った掛け合いや、彼らを取り巻く女性陣の魅力、大金の行方が絡んだ二転三転するスリリングな展開も見どころ。