Second Unit Director
「感謝祭(=サンクスギビング)」発祥の地とされるアメリカ・マサチューセッツの田舎町。感謝祭とは、家族や愛する人々と共に日々の収穫や恩恵に感謝し祝福する、一年でもっとも盛大な祝祭。ハッピーなお祭りムードを楽しんでいた人々だったが、突如として現れた清教徒<ピルグリム・ファーザーズ>の指導者ジョン・カーヴァーのお面に身を隠した連続殺人鬼によって、町は恐怖のどん底へと突き落される。残虐なやり口で殺人鬼の犠牲になった人々は何者かによって謎のインスタグラムの投稿にタグ付けされていた。感謝祭のおしゃれな食卓が映る投稿には、意味深に配された住民たちの名札が! なぜ彼らは狙われるのか──。饗宴が狂宴と化し、一夜が永遠のトラウマとなる史上最悪の感謝祭<サンクスギビング>が始まる!
A successful social media prankster and his fiancée find their idyllic countryside weekend escape turn into the ultimate video prank where the stakes are life and death being broadcast onto the dark web.
A successful social media prankster and his fiancée find their idyllic countryside weekend escape turn into the ultimate video prank where the stakes are life and death being broadcast onto the dark web.
A boy’s choice of an ugly pumpkin results in an unusual Jack-O-Lantern.
A boy’s choice of an ugly pumpkin results in an unusual Jack-O-Lantern.
An obsessive choreographer on a creative retreat with her toddler awakens a fairy corpse with disturbing intentions
An obsessive choreographer on a creative retreat with her toddler awakens a fairy corpse with disturbing intentions
Bree, a dishonest 9-year-old receives a terrifying visitor after a parenting lesson goes horribly wrong.
Bree, a dishonest 9-year-old receives a terrifying visitor after a parenting lesson goes horribly wrong.
Whether you’re a fan of Sydney's iconic genre film festival A Night of Horror, or just a fan of the best and bloodiest in new horror cinema, you can’t afford to miss this fright-filled anthology. Zombies, demonic entities, self-surgery, cannibalism and more await in the dark corners of this terrifying offering from some of the most talented filmmakers working in the genre today.
Whether you’re a fan of Sydney's iconic genre film festival A Night of Horror, or just a fan of the best and bloodiest in new horror cinema, you can’t afford to miss this fright-filled anthology. Zombies, demonic entities, self-surgery, cannibalism and more await in the dark corners of this terrifying offering from some of the most talented filmmakers working in the genre today.
Digital Effects Producer
A tired coroner is stalked by the living dead -- but only when she isn't looking!
Sound Editor
A tired coroner is stalked by the living dead -- but only when she isn't looking!
A tired coroner is stalked by the living dead -- but only when she isn't looking!
A tired coroner is stalked by the living dead -- but only when she isn't looking!