Ming-Zhu Hii

Ming-Zhu Hii


Ming-Zhu Hii
Ming-Zhu Hii


Sleeping Dogs
Dr. Margaret Xu
Roy Freeman, who is undergoing a cutting-edge Alzheimer’s treatment, is forced to grapple with the impact of an investigation from his former life after a death row inmate that Freeman arrested 10 years prior starts to proclaim his innocence. Intrigued and fighting to regain his memory, Freeman enlists his former partner to help him revive the case and discover the truth. Together, they set off to unravel a tangled web of secrets, forcing Freeman to make some horrific discoveries.
Additional Writing
A searing look at a day in the life of an assistant to a powerful executive. As Jane follows her daily routine, she grows increasingly aware of the insidious abuse that threatens every aspect of her position.
Dr. Diana Gordon
近未来。グレイ・トレイス は妻のアシャ と仲睦まじい日々を送っていた。しかしある日、謎の組織に襲われ、最愛の妻を失い、自身も全身麻痺の重症を負ってしまう。失意の中、巨大企業の科学者がある提案をされる。彼の目的は、実験段階にある「STEM」と呼ばれる最新のAIチップを人体に埋めることだった。手術の結果、グレイは再び体を動かすことができるようになる。そればかりか、「STEM」に身をゆだねると人間離れした動きができるようになり、人間を超越した身体能力を手に入れてしまう。さらに、「STEM」は頭の中の相棒としてグレイと対話するようになる。身体能力を<アップグレード>されたグレイは手に入れたこの力を駆使して「STEM」と共に妻を殺害した組織に復讐を誓うのだがー。
Marion enters a photographic studio. The night before she had experienced something horrible. The details are only pices which get repeated and repeated again.
Marion enters a photographic studio. The night before she had experienced something horrible. The details are only pices which get repeated and repeated again.
Marion enters a photographic studio. The night before she had experienced something horrible. The details are only pices which get repeated and repeated again.
Marion enters a photographic studio. The night before she had experienced something horrible. The details are only pices which get repeated and repeated again.
That's Not Me ザッツ・ノット・ミー
Corrie - Director
Close Observations of a Single Subject
An intelligence officer struggles to remain impassive when faced with the choice to save a female asset from her violent husband, or to force her back into her abuser's arms.