Director of Photography
A couple in Québec deals with the pitfalls, pressure and high expectations of raising kids in a society obsessed with success and social media image.
Director of Photography
Jud Crandall recounts the chilling story of Tim Baterman, who returned dead from Vietnam, then returned from the dead...
Second Unit Director of Photography
医者のルイス・グリードはボストンからメーン州ルドローに引っ越してきたばかりであった。ルイスは妻のレイチェル、子供のエリーとゲージ、ペットのネコ(チャーチ)と一緒に暮らしていた。ある日、エリーが森の中で遊んでいると、ペットの犬の遺体を墓地(ペット・セマタリー)へと運ぶ葬列に出くわした。一家の近所に住むジャド・クランドールは「あの森は危険だから絶対に近付かないように」と警告してきた。 大学病院。ルイスは交通事故で重傷を負って運ばれてきた学生(ヴィクター・パスコウ)の命を救えなかった無念に打ちひしがれていた。その日の夜、ルイスはいやに鮮明な夢を見た。夢の中で、ルイスはヴィクターに導かれるまま墓地へとやって来たが、墓地に入ろうとした矢先、ヴィクターから「それ以上はいけない」と言われたのだった。ルイスが飛び起きると、彼のベッドと足下が泥まみれになっていた。ルイスは自分が見た夢が単なる悪夢ではないと確信したが、現実で何があったのかまでは把握できなかった。
Director of Photography
A few years after they infiltrated a therapy program for fathers and sons, Marc Laroche is having some issues with his girlfriend Alice and Jacques is experiencing intense denial towards the fact that he is growing older. An incredible opportunity arises when Martin Germain, the lieutenant of the Mafia’s leader, and his girlfriend sign up for a bootcamp for couples. As Marc and Alice sign up for the therapy, Jacques invites himself in by pretending to be the psychologist's assistant.
With his marriage to Audrey almost at an end, Ben begins a torrid affair with Mercedes, a young French student in his writing class. The affair soon spins out of control, their emotions and Ben and Audrey's family hanging in the balance.
Truck driving is all sixty-year-old widower Germain has ever known. When he is involved in a head-on collision that leaves a woman dead, his quiet life is suddenly thrown into a tailspin.
Director of Photography
The discovery of an astronaut spacesuit trouble the life of a village in the Normandy coast
During a brutal Quebec winter, a teenage girl mourns her best friend killed in a car accident.
Richard and Clément, two cousins who grew up together in Québec’s Côte Nord region, decide to team up to raise money for their ailing grandfather. Inspired by their childhood idol Terry Fox, the cousins leave Sept-Îles to reach the place where the famous one-legged runner prematurely ended his Marathon of Hope : Thunder Bay, Ontario. In a sincere attempt to pay tribute to Terry, Richard travels on his bike without ever touching his handlebars, while Clément follows him in his beat-up pick-up truck. The road is long, and sometimes, the best way forward might be backwards.