Kihachiro Nakai


Sound Recordist
Crime film directed by Tatsuo Yamada for Shintoho.
Otoko no sekai da
Sound Recordist
Sound Recordist
仏教系の大学に通う清水四郎は、恩師の矢島教授の下で彼の一人娘の幸子と婚約していたが、謎めいた笑みを浮かべる同窓の田村がしつこくつきまとってくるため、彼の誘惑から逃れようとして逆に次々と罪を重ねていく。まもなく、幸子を自動車事故で亡くしてしまった四郎は実家へ戻るが、そこに住む画家の谷口円斎の娘で幸子にそっくりなサチ子と恋に落ちる。しかし、田村に加えて四郎に轢き逃げされたヤクザの志賀恭一の情婦が復讐しようと後を追ってきたため、四郎は吊り橋でもみ合っているうちに2人を殺害してしまう。 その晩、四郎の父の剛造が経営する老人ホーム「天上園」の創立十周年記念パーティーでは集団食中毒が発生し、入所老人たちが全員死亡。更に復讐にやってきた志賀の母が酒に毒を盛ったことで、四郎も剛造もすべての人間が悶死する。死の間際、地獄へ落ちる幻想を見た四郎は、そこで会った幸子の霊から彼女が四郎の子を身ごもっていたことや、その子も水子になって地獄へ落ちていることを告げられる。四郎は我が子を見つけるべく、八大地獄の修羅場をさまようのだった。
Sound Recordist
Japanese thriller.
Sound Recordist
In 1941, overpopulated Japan faces an economic boycott and its armed forces push further to the south. And despite negotiations between Japan and the U. S. A. war is declared with the attack on Pearl Harbour. Victories follow for Japan on land and sea and her forces push forward to the borders of India. But gradually the tide turns in favour of the Allies and after the atom bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan is compelled to accept the Potsdam Declaration and by the order of the Emperor agrees to unconditional surrender. Under the supervision of the occupation forces the International Military Tribunal opens in Tokyo to try the Japanese war leaders. Established in the cause of justice, and to prevent future aggressive wars the trials drag on for two and a half years. And on December 23, 1948, General Tojo and six other war leaders mount the thirteen steps to the gallows at Tokyo's Sugamo prison.
Sound Recordist
Harada Kai, the Date clan's Chamberlain attempts to take power from the lord himself.
Sound Recordist
Ryutaro is a spy employed by the shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu, who is the target of assassination attempts that aim to hand power over to his younger brother Tadanaga. Before learning of these plots, Ryutaro discovers himself in a predicament of his own when he rushes to the defence of a local girl who is caught between her boyfriend and a greedy businessman. The situation results in many violent one-on-one skirmishes between Ryutaro and the businessman’s many samurai defendants, one of whom enigmatically refuses to reveal his face or use more than just the one hand. Before long, Ryutaro’s top priority is not protecting Iemitsu as it should be, but rather unearthing the true identity of the mystery samurai.
Sound Recordist
Japanese comedy film.
大学の剣豪 京洛の暴れん坊
Sound Recordist
Japanese youth film about kendo.
Sound Recordist
Japanese sports comedy film about kendo.
Sound Recordist
Adaptation of the novel by Bunroku Shishi.
Sound Recordist
Sound Recordist
A teenaged girl witnesses her widowed mother's attempt to sustain her family.
Sound Recordist
Japanese drama film.
Sound Recordist
Adaptation of a novel by Yojiro Ishizaka, originally released in two parts.
Sound Recordist
An early film by Kon Ichikawa
Saheita, the final heir of a once rich and respectable family, can't refuse the many villagers that come to him for favours and money, even though he is on the brink of bankruptcy. Around town he is better known by his nickname Mr. Shosuke Ohara.
銭形平次捕物控 平次八百八町
Sound Recordist
Police detective Heiji is assigned to catch the masked Maboroshi gang of robbers who have terrorized all of Edo leaving few clues as to who their leader is.
Sound Recordist
Kôfuku eno shôtai - Invitation to happiness