Tamsin Clarke


グッドライアー 偽りのゲーム
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ベテラン詐欺師のロイ(イアン・マッケラン)が出会い系サイトで狙いを定めたのは、夫を亡くしてまもない資産家ベティ(ヘレン・ミレン)。全財産を騙し取ろうと策略をめぐらす非情なロイを、世間知らずのベティは徐々に信用するようになる。しかし、単純な詐欺だったはずが、物語は思いがけない事態へ発展していく―。 暴かれるのは、人間誰しもが抱えて生きていかねばならない秘密と嘘。偽りに満ちた人生の奥底にある真実とはー。英国が誇る両名優がぶつかり合う、至高のライアーゲームが今はじまる。
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I Don't Care
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Luka Bartholomew cares for his bed-ridden mother in the run-down resort town of Porthpunnet. On his thirtieth birthday his mother hires a carer to give him a day off. On a wintry beach he meets Dan,another young man who lives in a camper van and shares his interest in art. Initially he sees Dan as a kindred spirit until Dan proves to be gay and makes a violent pass at him. Disillusioned and drunk,Luka meets middle-aged biker Phil,who gives him a pillion ride and offers to help him leave town. But by now Luka knows where his priorities lie.