Aidan McGraw

Aidan McGraw


Aidan is known for playing young Colton Kyle in the Clint Eastwood directed film American Sniper (2014). He started acting/modeling at age 4 1/2 and started booking work almost immediately. He is the twin brother of actress/model Madeleine McGraw. Aidan has two other siblings, older brother, Jack McGraw and younger sister, Violet McGraw, also actors and and models.


Aidan McGraw


American Woman
Jesse (Age 7)
A young grandmother in a small Pennsylvania town raises her daughter's child after the girl disappears. All the while, a desperate search for her continues.
Young Red (voice)
Sidney, 6, is woken from sleep to go on a series of mishap adventures with Jane. The night lights up with wild moments, and as Jane's instabilities unravel, their journey grows more and more fragile. This film aims to explore the depth of responsibility between adult and child. Follow Jane and Sidney in this tale of trust, imagination, fear and danger.
Young Colton
米海軍特殊部隊ネイビー・シールズに入隊し、イラク戦争に狙撃手として派遣されたクリス。その任務は“どんなに過酷な状況でも仲間を必ず守ること”。狙撃精度の高さで多くの仲間を救ったクリスは “レジェンド”の異名を轟かせるまでになる。しかし、敵の間にもその腕前が知れ渡り、“悪魔”と恐れられるようになった彼の首には18万ドルの賞金が掛けられ、彼自身が標的となってしまう。一方、家族はクリスの無事を願い続けていた。家族との平穏な生活と、想像を絶する極限状況の戦地。愛する家族を国に残し、終わりのない戦争は幾度となく彼を戦場に向かわせる。過酷なイラク遠征は4度。度重なる戦地への遠征は、クリスの心を序々に蝕んでゆく。