Jarmila Koleničová

出生 : 1948-12-09,


Chlapec do náručia
Otvorený účet
Človek nikdy nevie
Platiť sa nebude
Deň zvýšenej intuície
Dravý prúd
Prvá nadovšetky
Strieborný prach
Mont Oriol
Páni sa zabávajú
N. Took the Dice
(as Jarmila Kolenicova)
N Took the Dice is essentially a reworking of Eden and After made possible by the roll of a dice (scenes from the 1970 film were combined with outtakes and additional footage in an aleatory way). Robbe-Grillet was always interested in music and since he perceived Eden and After to be serial in nature, it only made sense that its sister film would stand in opposition to that.
Eden and After
A group of French students are drawn into the psychological and sexual games of a mysterious Dutchman. Once they sample his "fear powder" the students experience a series of hallucinations.