Kevin Knight


Assistant Costume Designer
Rossini: La Donna del Lago
Set Designer
An all-star cast assembled for the Met’s first-ever performances of Rossini’s romantic retelling of Sir Walter Scott’s epic poem The Lady of the Lake. Joyce DiDonato is Elena, the title heroine, who is being pursued by not one, but two tenors—setting off sensational vocal fireworks. Juan Diego Flórez is King James V of Scotland, disguised as the humble Uberto, and John Osborn sings his political enemy, and rival in love, Rodrigo Di Dhu. Complicating matters is the fact that Elena herself loves Malcolm, a trouser role sung by mezzo-soprano Daniela Barcellona, and that she is the daughter of Duglas (Oren Gradus), another of the king’s political adversaries. Paul Curran’s atmospheric production is conducted by Michele Mariotti.
Rossini: La Donna del Lago
Costume Designer
An all-star cast assembled for the Met’s first-ever performances of Rossini’s romantic retelling of Sir Walter Scott’s epic poem The Lady of the Lake. Joyce DiDonato is Elena, the title heroine, who is being pursued by not one, but two tenors—setting off sensational vocal fireworks. Juan Diego Flórez is King James V of Scotland, disguised as the humble Uberto, and John Osborn sings his political enemy, and rival in love, Rodrigo Di Dhu. Complicating matters is the fact that Elena herself loves Malcolm, a trouser role sung by mezzo-soprano Daniela Barcellona, and that she is the daughter of Duglas (Oren Gradus), another of the king’s political adversaries. Paul Curran’s atmospheric production is conducted by Michele Mariotti.
Assistant Costume Designer
Sinister things begin happening to kidnappers who are holding a young boy for ransom in a remote cabin.
Assistant Costume Designer
FBI捜査官ケビン・コープランド(ショーン・ウェイアンズ)、マーカス・コープランド(マーロン・ウェイアンズ)兄弟は捜査上の失敗をくりかえし、もはや解雇寸前のところまで追い込まれていた。 上司のエリオット・ゴードン(フランキー・フェイゾン)は、誰もやりたがらない任務を買って出たコープランド兄弟に最後のチャンスをあたえる。それはクルーズ運行会社の超わがまま令嬢ブリトニー・ウィルソン(メイトランド・フォード)、ティファニー・ウィルソン(アン・デュデク)姉妹を誘拐犯から守る警護任務だったのだが、警護中に起こした交通事故でウィルソン姉妹の顔に傷を負わせてしまう。 ウィルソン姉妹は「こんな顔じゃ、外に出られない」とホテルにこもり、失敗をとりつくろうとするコープランド兄弟は女装をしてウィルソン姉妹になりすますのだった。
An Unexpected Love
Costume Design
An unhappily married housewife and mother of two children seperates from her husband and gets a new job where she developes a mutual attraction to her female boss.
Assistant Costume Designer
突如起こった飛行機墜落事故。だが予知夢によって一命を取りとめたアレックスと6人のクラスメートは書き換えることができない《死》の定めに再び直面する。運命は、未来は変えられるのか? そして迫りくる《死》の呪縛から逃れることはできるのか?姿の見えない《死》が人々を襲うサスペンスホラー。