Yvette Mercedes

Yvette Mercedes


Yvette Mercedes


See You Yesterday
As two teen prodigies try to master the art of time travel, a tragic police shooting sends them on a series of dangerous trips to the past.
Financial Aid Officer
Alice is a college freshman aiming for law school. On the day her financial aid is cut, her secret identity is revealed to her classmates.
Secrets and butterflies make for one hell of a dinner conversation.
The Inherited
Nurse Lee
Eve has married the man of her dreams but when they return to live in the house willed to him by his first wife who died under horrific circumstances, it becomes a waking nightmare as Eve falls into a spiral of suspicion and madness.
Drea, a 20-something woman living in Brooklyn, struggles to make progress in her own life while being the sole caregiver for her father, who has Alzheimer's.
Woman in Department Store
A mentally ill man searches New York for his missing eight year old daughter. He recreates her steps each day hoping for some clue to her disappearance, until he meets and befriend a woman with a daughter the same age. Could she help him with the missing piece of the puzzle?
Neurology Receptionist
Andrew returns to his hometown for the funeral of his mother, a journey that reconnects him with past friends. The trip coincides with his decision to stop taking his powerful antidepressants. A chance meeting with Sam - a girl also suffering from various maladies - opens up the possibility of rekindling emotional attachments, confronting his psychologist father, and perhaps beginning a new life.
Dolores is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador who works as a housemaid in New York City. Under the constant fear of likely deportation, she wonders whether she should return to her country. Her decision to leave is strengthened when her life is suddenly complicated by a series of unfortunate events.
Party Guest
1930年代、ジャズ全盛期のシカゴ。ジプシージャズの天才ギタリストのエメット・レイは、崇拝するギタリストジャンゴ・ラインハルトの演奏が世界一で、自分は2番目に天才だと信じている。そんな彼は音楽に生きる反面、裏社会でも顔が通じ、娼婦の元締め、女遊び好きと自堕落な人生を送ってきた。 彼はニュージャージー州の海辺で友人ビルとの賭けに負け、仕方なくナンパした小柄で口のきけない女性ハッティと付き合うようになる。エメットの弾くギターに心惹かれたハッティは彼を愛すようになり、はじめは遊びのつもりだったエメットも辛くあたりつつも、素朴で優しい彼女に惹かれていく。 しかし、上流階級の女性ブランチに出会い惹かれた彼はハッティと別れ突然結婚するが、2人の共通点は派手好きなところ位で愛には乏しく、ブランチはいつしかジャズクラブの用心棒アルと不倫するようになっていった。
Jesus' Son
E.R. Nurse
A young man turns from drug addiction and petty crime to a life redeemed by a discovery of compassion.
Meter Maid
A newly elected District attorney finds himself in the middle of a police corruption investigation that may involve his father and his partner.