Kelly Jones Gabriele


The Angel Doll
Mrs. Edwards
The story of two small town boys from different sides of the tracks: 1950's childhood and self-redemption. Young "Whitey" Black (so called because of a tuft of blanched hair on the left side of his head) lives in poverty with his single mother and ailing, four-year old sister, Sandy. Just across town, young Jerry Barlow lives the advantages of a middle class lifestyle with both parents and his younger brother. When mischief casts Whitey and Jerry into a shared paper route, Jerry quickly learns of Whitey's desire to buy his sister an angel doll for Christmas. Even though no such dolls exist in their hometown, Whitey, Jerry and a host of colorful characters set out in search of Sandy's gift. Along the way, reversals of fortune, theft, prejudice and, ultimately, the boy's friendship opens their eyes to the vastness of the small town around them.
New York City Rockette
Perfect Crime
Mitzi Kapture portrays a military investigator trying to convict an officer of killing his wife. Convinced the officer committed the crime but hindered by lack of physical evidence (including a body), she must interview military personnel who have differing views of the events and circumstances surrounding the murder.
The Three Lives of Karen
An engaged woman has flashbacks of previous identities and a past she cannot recall.
Any Place But Home
Janine Danforth
Bloodfist V: Human Target
Don "The Dragon" Wilson struggles to regain his memory, not knowing who to trust, or even which side he's fighting on.
Buxom Lass
12世紀。十字軍の遠征による国王の不在をいいことに、弟のジョン王子 と悪代官ロッティングハム は結託して悪政を敷いていた。神経症の王子は魔女ラトリーン に頼りきり。その魔女はロッティングハムにゾッコンだが、代官は王族の娘マリアン に恋している。マリアンは、いつか本当の恋人が現れると信じ、貞操帯を付けてその人を待ち続けていた。十字軍に参加した若き英国貴族、ロビン はイスラエルで捕虜となるが、ムーア人のアスニーズ の協力で脱走に成功。イングランドまで泳いで帰った彼は、盲目の従者ブリンキン、アスニーズの息子アチュー、大男のリトルジョン、ナイフの名手スカーレット らを連れて反乱ののろしを上げた。城中に乗り込んだロビンはマリアンとひと目で恋に落ちる。彼は圧政にあえぐ庶民を集めてゲリラ隊「メン・イン・タイツ」を組織し、特訓を開始した。一方、ロッティングハムはひそかに殺し屋の親分ドン・ジョヴァンニ を呼び、ロビンを暗殺する計画を練る。城内のアーチェリー大会に変装して忍び込んだロビンは、敵と大立ち回りを演じる。その時リチャード国王 が帰還し、王子と代官をいさめる。国内には平和が戻り、ロビンとマリアンも結ばれた。
Earth Angel
Hooker (as Kelly Jones)
When a prom queen dies in 1962, her only means of entering Heaven is by returning to 1990 earth, to assist friends from her youth.