Paco Astol

Paco Astol


Paco Astol is an actor.


Paco Astol


Love for Life
Secretario Modesto Lara
An exhausted stranger arrives at a farm and starts to help the owner with the legal status of her land.
When the Brave Cry
A farmer is in love during revolutionary times.
Viva Mi Desgracia
After drinking a special concoction made of various types of alcohol, the once-timid Ramon (Pedro Infante) suddenly turns into a brawler and extroverted ladies' man. With his newfound confidence, Ramon attempts to win the heart of the woman (María Antonieta Pons) he loves. Full of enjoyable songs and funny scenes, this entertaining Mexican musical centers on a wealthy man who finally realizes that money can't buy him love.
Doña Bárbara
A woman hardened by her past now runs a ranch she acquired through manipulation and bribery.
The Spirit's Canyon
The love between María Ángela and Fernando is impossible because there's an ancient history of hate between their families. His father killed hers, and other family members have killed each other for years. When María Ángela's grandfather finds she's in love with Fernando, he frames the young man and forces her to marry Manuel. Maria Ángela finds that Manuel doesn't love her and together plan her escape with Fernando. But things go wrong and the lovers find their destiny in The Spirit's Canyon.