Simon Werner

Simon Werner

出生 : 1971-05-24, Leipzig, Germany


Simon Werner


Das Märchen vom Frosch und der goldenen Kugel
Ramstein - Das durchstoßene Herz
Patrick Bennat
The accident during an air show in Ramstein in the summer of 1988 is one of the greatest tragedies in German post-war history. Against the backdrop of the momentous collision of two aerobatic planes on "Open Day" at the American air base, this film tells the story of four families in fictionalized form - they are visitors to the air show who lost their loved ones in the horrific inferno, and an emergency doctor who cannot forget the sight of the dead and injured. They all suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome. Years after the disaster, they finally have the opportunity to share their experiences and come to terms with the trauma in a specially founded aftercare group. Meanwhile, a duo of investigators commissioned by the German Federal Ministry investigates the background to the air accident and uncovers massive failures in safety precautions and rescue measures. Beyond political responsibility on both the German and American sides, both come up against a wall of silence.
Die Bilderkriegerin - Anja Niedringhaus
Photographer Anja Niedringhaus was 26 when she came to Sarajevo in 1992 to report on the war. It's bitterly cold there, there's no electricity, hardly any food, and everyone's lives are constantly in danger. Spanish photographer Sergio takes her under his wing and shows her how to survive in a war zone. Anja reported on the scene with interruptions for almost three years, later she worked in Kosovo and Afghanistan, among other places. In 2001 she switched to the most renowned photo agency in the world, the Associated Press . Her photos end up on the front pages of the major international newspapers, and in 2005 she received the Pulitzer Prize for her reporting from Iraq. In Kabul, she meets the AP's chief correspondent, Kathy Gannon, and the two soon become an inseparable team. But then a devastating attack took place during the Afghan presidential elections in 2014.
Blame Game
Martin Behrens is a Middle East expert for the German intelligence agency BND. He obtains information leading to a U.S. drone strike on a wanted terrorist in Zahiristan. A few days later, there's a terrorist attack on a restaurant – the video claiming responsibility calls it payback for the drone strike. Freelance journalist Aurice, with whom Martin was having an affair, is among the victims – she was investigating corruption at the heart of the BND. Martin soon has to realize that in a world where big corporations profit from arms deals as well as from homeland security contracts, good and evil are sometimes hard to tell apart.
タイムリミット 見知らぬ影
「ピエロがお前を嘲笑う」のボータン・ビルケ・メーリング主演、「パンドラム」や「ニック NICK」シリーズを手がけたクリスチャン・アルバート監督で、爆弾魔に脅迫され絶体絶命の危機に陥る男の壮絶な運命を描いたサスペンス。ベルリンの不動産会社で大規模な建築プロジェクトに携わるカールは、ある月曜日の朝、娘と息子を車に乗せて学校に送り届けようとしている最中に、正体不明の男からの脅迫電話を受ける。男はカールたちが座席を離れると爆発する特殊な爆弾を車に仕掛けたと言い、巨額の金を支払うよう要求してくる。同じ犯人に脅迫された上司とその妻が目の前で爆死させられるのを見たカールは、やむを得ず要求に従おうとするが、爆発の際に破片を浴びて息子が重傷を負った上、今度は警官隊に包囲されてしまう。警察は、カールが不仲の妻への復讐のため子どもたちを人質にとったと考えていた。やがて、八方塞がりのカールの前に脅迫者が大胆にも姿を現し……。
ウォー・マシーン: 戦争は話術だ!
Colonel Helmut Bauer
A rock star general bent on winning the “impossible” war in Afghanistan takes us inside the complex machinery of modern war. Inspired by the true story of General Stanley McChrystal.
Another Mother's Son
The true story of Louisa Gould, a widow living in Nazi occupied Jersey, who takes in a Russian prisoner of war.
The King's Surrender
Violent youth gangs and a police force way out of its depth. When a police operation goes awry and two policemen die, the powder keg threatens to ignite as the SWAT team knows only one goal: revenge - irrespective of the law.
Nazi Death Camp: The Great Escape
The secret Nazi death camp at Sobibor was created solely for the mass extermination of Jews. But on the 14th October 1943, in one of the biggest and most successful prison revolts of WWII, the inmates fought back.
Typ auf Parkplatz
The story of a seemingly settled bank employee who breaks the shackles of his everyday life and becomes a wanderer between worlds. Frederik is an up-and-coming young bank employee who lives an ordinary life. When a bank customer, whom Frederik has denied a loan in the face of the bank crisis, shoots himself in front of Frederik, he snaps. Together with ex-con Vince,he begins to live out a new, dark side of himself. He robs his rich bank customers' homes and gives the money to the needy. The initial rush of crossing social boundaries soon develops into an addiction to ever greater thrills.
Der Fluch des schwarzen Schwans