Kitty Boots


Serpentine Pink
Costume Design
Set in the desert-weird wilds of Joshua Tree, California, Serpentine Pink is a distinctively visceral and surreal independent, female-centric film that digs into the various and rigorous ways a heart heals from trauma. Inspired by France's Grand Guignol style of horror theatre, and utilizing a lyrical language both visual and verbal to capture the strange poetry of the Mojave land and soundscape, Serpentine Pink follows a reclusive biker woman and her John Wayne-obsessed exotic dancer lover's disturbing fallout after a violent acid attack. An ethereal psychic and her aspiring healer companion converge with supernatural forces in an attempt to confront and then heal the women's - as well as their own - deep-rooted, personal pain that comes from trying to break the cycle of possessive love.
Costume Design
引退したヘアメイクドレッサーが亡き親友に最後のメイクを施すための旅を、実在の人物をモデルに描いたロードムービー。 かつてヘアメイクドレッサーとして活躍した「ミスター・パット」ことパトリック・ピッツェンバーガー。ゲイとして生きてきた彼は、最愛のパートナーであるデビッドを早くにエイズで亡くし、現在は老人ホームでひっそりと暮らしている。そんなパットのもとに、思わぬ依頼が届く。それは元顧客で親友でもあったリタの遺言で、彼女に死化粧を施してほしいというものだった。リタのもとへ向かう旅の中で、すっかり忘れていた仕事への情熱や、わだかまりを残したまま他界したリタへの複雑な感情、そして自身の過去と現在についてなど、様々な思いを巡らせるパットだったが……。
Costume Design
After a clique of girls makes life difficult, a new student forms a rival group to take control of the school's corridors.
Life in Flight
Costume Design
A successful New York architect with a beautiful wife and an adoring young son is forced to reevaluate his outwardly idyllic life after a chance meeting with an urban designer reveals the cracks in the foundation of his paradise.
When the Evening Comes
Costume Designer
Charlie Corrado is pushing forty and still lives with his grandparents, Martin and Marion Corrado. Although he feels safe in the environment they have created for him, he spends his days and nights longing for something more out of life.
Super Power Blues
Costume Design
A Japanese super heroine lives in New York City and deals with endless crises -- when all she really wants to do is sleep with her boyfriend.
Second Best
Costume Design
Jealousy overwhelms a group of friends, particularly struggling writer Elliot, as they prepare for the homecoming of their old friend, a wildly successful L.A. producer.