Richie Moore


Tremors: Shrieker Island
"C" Camera Operator
Graboids are illegally taken to a new island resort by a rich playboy as a dangerous form of trophy hunting, and Burt Gummer steps up to save the day.
Tremors: Shrieker Island
Second Unit Director of Photography
Graboids are illegally taken to a new island resort by a rich playboy as a dangerous form of trophy hunting, and Burt Gummer steps up to save the day.
Who's Watching Oliver
The story of a mentally unstable loner lost in a life forced upon him. By night Oliver aimlessly wanders the streets and bars on what can only be described as a truly shocking and humiliating killing spree. His only savior and possible way out of a life he is desperate to escape comes in the form of the beautiful Sophia with her sweet eccentricity and naivety to the danger she has put herself in.
Who's Watching Oliver
The story of a mentally unstable loner lost in a life forced upon him. By night Oliver aimlessly wanders the streets and bars on what can only be described as a truly shocking and humiliating killing spree. His only savior and possible way out of a life he is desperate to escape comes in the form of the beautiful Sophia with her sweet eccentricity and naivety to the danger she has put herself in.
Who's Watching Oliver
The story of a mentally unstable loner lost in a life forced upon him. By night Oliver aimlessly wanders the streets and bars on what can only be described as a truly shocking and humiliating killing spree. His only savior and possible way out of a life he is desperate to escape comes in the form of the beautiful Sophia with her sweet eccentricity and naivety to the danger she has put herself in.
Camera Operator
In the south of Laos, an American volunteer doctor becomes a fugitive after he intervenes in the sexual assault of a young woman. When the assailant's body is pulled from the Mekong River, things quickly spiral out of control.
Camera Operator
インドネシアの山奥で過去最大と呼ばれる巨大金脈を発見し、 一攫千金の夢を成し遂げた探鉱者、ケニー・ウェルス。倒産寸前だった彼の会社はV字回復。 ウォール街の巨大投資銀行から全世界の金山を牛耳ってきた黄金王までがケニーの成功を賞賛し、 それを連日報じる全米のメディアは、彼を一躍スターへと押し上げた。 そんな中、報じられたのは衝撃のニュースだった。170億ドルの金塊が一夜にして消えた―。 「オレは何も知らない!」ケニーの主張も空しく、会社の株価は大暴落。 混乱の中、メディアや株主からの追求は激しさを増し、そして遂にFBIの捜査が始まった。 騙したのは、誰だ―。
Camera Operator
In their new overseas home, an American family soon finds themselves caught in the middle of a coup, and they frantically look for a safe escape in an environment where foreigners are being immediately executed.
The Hunters
Camera Operator
Imagine if all mythical artifacts, from Jason's Golden Fleece to Cinderella's glass slippers, were real. Well, they are -- and for centuries, a secret society called the Hunters has been sworn to protect them from an evil force called the Krugen.
ハングオーバー!!! 最後の反省会
Camera Operator
Ja Ae... Koey Laew Ja
A ghost of a pretty girl in negligee is haunting at a village and the villagers get in touch with various witch doctors in order to expel her.
An orphan girl taught magic by her sick grandma must find work in seedy Bangkok, where she encounters a number of unsavory characters. She uses the magical skills her grandmother taught her to her advantage and to increasingly horrific consequences.