Hsu Li-Hwa


Tongdang Wansui
Executive Producer
Three Taiwanese friends go through political, romantic and cultural changes, from childhood to middle age.
All Night Long
Kindergarten teacher Wang is being held hostage one night by a bank robber in an all-night shop. Shop attendant Ling-ling and Wang struggle with the badly wounded robber who dies in the fight. With two more accomplices, the four girls decide to destroy the body and split the $40 million loot.
Split of the Spirit
Executive Producer
A ghost takes over a dancer's body in order to find those who killed her, and thus her revenge.
Dark Night
Executive Producer
The young entrepreneur, Wong Shing-tak, has been married for ten year. He and his wife, Li Lin, lead a satisfying life together, until when some friends introduce Wong to a reporter called Yip Yuen. What starts out as purely a business relationship between the two turns into something much more than that. As Wong shows his trust towards Yip more and more, Li becomes increasingly. The marriage between Wong and Li begins to lose its grip...
A Heroic Fight
The granddaughter of a Taiwanese triad boss becomes a victim of a kidnapping attempt, but she's saved by a team of movie stuntmen. They become friends and work together to fend off one of the boss' underlings who goes rogue when he's overlooked for a promotion.
Hong Kong Graffiti
Yang Hsiu Shan was grown up in Hong Kong and her folks were emigrated to Canada. She felt in love with her boss, Chen Kai Ping, and in order to set up her business. So she decided to stay in Hong Kong. Yang's sister-in-law, Luk Ping Ting, was emigrated from China and was living in her house. Both Yang and her room-mate, Chan Pei Lien, an air hostess, were taken care of her. In the meantime, Chen's daughter, Fong, came from Taiwan to visit him. She realized that Yang was kind to others and helpful to her father's business so she got to like her more. Luk and Chen had developed a secret love affair. Yang was stunned by the news and became to hate Luk. Yang, Fong, Chan and Luk finally became reconcile.
Lucky Diamond
Lucky Diamond is a Hong Kong Comedy directed by Yuen Cheung-Yan and starring Alex Man and Anita Mui.
Modern Detective
Ah Chaan and Fat Chug were good partners in the Police Force. Both of them had helped in solving many criminal and civil cases despite their silly behaviour. In order to persuade Ah Fong to marry him, he provide a living space for Ah Fong's aunt and her daughter named Ah Jane. Ah Chaan was attracted by Jane’s charm and lovely personality and tried everything to please her. A dominant criminal had made a plot were chased by the police. Joe, who was the criminal's assistant catch Jane and Fong and threatened that she would not release Ah Jane and Fong if both Ah Chaan and Fat Chug did not get the ransom for them. The gangster put on them a remote time bomb and a microphone to have a better control on them...
The Ghost Informer
Fire Unicom was killed by Tei Po under his violent fist. The spirit of Fire Unicorn discovered there would be illegal transaction between the gangsters. He informed inspector Tang this clue. After a fierce fight between he police and gangsters, the whole gang including Tei-po were being captured. Accidentally, Tang met Sally a model. She was so beautiful and charm that made Tang fell in love with her but she did not. Fire Unicorn being Tang's good friend decided to help him. Sally changed her mind and loved Tang. Unfortunately, Tei Po escaped from Jail and kidnapped Sally to an old castle. He vowed to take revenge on Tang. Would Tang Manage to save Sally from Tei Po's hand?
The Express
Cheng Chu and Cheng Lin are brothers, who grow up in a rather ill-off family. Chu later becomes a gang leader while Lin as a senior high student. Lin is under the pressure of college entrance exams and becomes restive. Ah-Chiang, Lin's boyhood friend deserts the army and runs away with military weapons. He hides in Lin's rented house, shoots a policeman to death by accident and flees with Lin. They kidnap a fashion model, Sophia...
A Wily Match
A martial arts expert trains the son of a wealthy man while dealing with various enemies.
Living and Loving
A stormy night, Chou Hung Yieh, a dress designer, saved a pregnant woman on the road. When he went to search for a doctor, he lost his life in a car accident. The woman soon gave birth to a baby girl, Ting Ting. Then she vanished leaving the baby to Chou's wife, Tang Ching Ju...
少林寺八流派の師範たちが集まり、最強の拳法“蛇鶴八拳”を生み出す。その正当な伝承者には、技の極意が記された“秘伝書”と、“九龍令”という矛が与えられ、八派の門徒の頂点に君臨することができるのだった。だが、その8人の師範たちが謎の失踪を遂げ、秘伝書も消失してしまう。そんなある日シー・インフォンという若い武術家が秘伝書を持っていることが判明し、四川唐党の女党首タンをはじめとする八派の門徒たち、他流派の武術家率いる賊党・黒龍組などが、秘伝書を狙って次々とインフォンに襲いかかる。 ジャッキー主演のカンフー・アクションの中でも、多彩なカンフー技が堪能できる点で最も魅力的な作品。ジャッキーが繰りだすスピーディな蛇鶴八拳、ノラ・ミャオの華麗な棒術、クム・コンの頭突きなど、個性あふれる技と驚天動地のバトルの数々に圧倒される。
日本軍統治下の台湾。港で入国審査を待つミウの荷物を盗んだスリの青年ロンは、実は彼女が日本軍の弾圧を逃れ、上海からやってきた名門拳法道場・精武会師範の娘ライイーであることを知る。根は素直で正義感の強いロンは、台湾の武人を眼の敵にして横暴な振る舞い続ける大和門道場の日本人たちに反感を抱き、精武門に入門。厳しい修行に励んで幻の武術・迷踪拳を修得、大和門道場との前面対決に立ち上がる。 伝説の武道家スター、ブルース・リーの名作で、ジャッキー・チェンがスタントマンとして参加した「ドラゴン 怒りの鉄拳」の正式な続編。ロー・ウェオ監督ら主要スタッフが再集結。この作品で成龍と改名したジャッキーが第二のブルース・リーとして売り出された。前作の設定を受け継ぎつつ、ジャッキーの明るい個性を活かした作品に仕上げているが、最後には衝撃の結末が待ち受ける。
Body for Sale
One day, due to carelessness. Ah Chung is fired from his job as a toilet attendant. Out of sympathy, Ah Lien, a waitress who he secretly admires, gives him financial help. When the much indebted Ah Chung found another job, he went to return the money to Ah Lien but was disappointed to learn that she had left and married. Years later, their paths cross again in a strip-tease joint.
Little Sister-in-law
Associate Producer
Mr. and Mrs. Ho are longing for a grandson. Their son, Ho Chieh and daughter-in-law, Wan Ping, come home from abroad. Wan Ching, the little sister-in-law, is a nurse and comes with Mrs. Ho to meet her sister. At the airport, old Mrs. Ho mistakenly hears that her daughter-in-law is pregnant. After that, Ho Chieh has to attend a business party. However, his wife is not free for it so he begs his little sister-in-law to go as his wife. Wan Ching turns out to be a hit with the guests. In order to please his mother, Chieh asks little sister-in-law to take Wan Ping to the hospital for a pregnancy test and get a false positive report. But through a mistake, Wan Ping gets the report of a sterile woman. She is saddened by it but everyone lies to the old people in order to spare them the disappointment...