Kōji Matsubara


昭和残侠伝 吼えろ唐獅子
A story of lone wolf struggling with human compassion and duty.
Yakuza Ryuichi, nicknamed the Dragon-killer, went on a journey with his son Tatsuo after he lost his wife. Due to Tatsuo's sudden illness, Ryuichi had money problems, and he became dependent on the head of the local tekiya and finds himself involved in the tekiya war with the Yakuza.
Yutaro Kida, a worker at the Sasebo Naval Arsenal, volunteers for the navy but finds himself a cook's mate in the galley of a gunboat. But his dream is eventually realized when he is transferred to the new and powerful destroyer Yukikaze which he helped to build. When the Pacific War breaks out Yukikaze performs valiantly in the South Pacific, and while on shore leave, Kida meets and falls in love with Yukiko, younger sister of his commander.
Follows the lives of three sisters who have a dance act together.
Japanese comedy film.
Keizo Abe
「川は流れる」の柳井隆雄、それに石田守良と今井金次郎が加わって共同で脚本を執筆、「川は流れる」の市村泰一が監督したメロドラマ。 八十八夜--お茶どころ静岡では新茶摘みにもっとも忙しい季節である。茶園の老舗三島家では、日本橋の店を継いだ長女の正子と婿養子の良介が手伝いに来ていた。大学を卒業した末娘の京子も母のふじに呼び戻されていた。ふじには彼女が女手一つで育ててきた五人の子供があった。長女は家を離れ、次女の高子はすでに嫁ぎ、三女の美子は絵の勉強のためフランスへ行っていた。しかも、長男の欣平は新劇に関係し、たまにしか家によりつかない状態だったので、ふじは美子の帰国を待って真面目な番頭石川と結婚させて三島家を継がせようと決心していた…。
Kenji Nomura
A leading postwar Japanese film critic and theorist who co-founded the seminal film magazine Eiga Hihyo (Film Criticism) in 1957, Eizo Yamagiwa made his directorial debut with this independent feature—long thought lost until a negative was recently discovered—about a group of idle bourgeois students known as the “Roppongi Tribe” (Roppongi zoku). Depicting the resignation and nihilism of the postwar generation in the years following the Anpo Treaty conflicts through a coming-of-age narrative, Yamagiwa offers sharp criticism of the prevalent characterizations of Japan's new youth offered by Nikkatsu's taiyozoku (“Sun Tribe”) films and the New Wave at large.
Japanese comedy film.
Japanese film about a juvenile delinquent who becomes a part of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.