Gergely Pálos


Summer to Come
Director of Photography
The film homes in on a relatively taboo subject which also seems to be a rising phenomenon in recent years: teenage suicide. Written by the director, the story revolves around a class of high schoolers who are attending a summer camp. Restless 18-year-old Milán is preparing his very own showdown. A love triangle is forming between himself, Anna and Dani. The tension mounts during a hike, at the end of which the three of them are sent home. The question of their feelings remains unresolved, and the showdown never happens. One year later, following graduation, the camp takes place once again. But Milán is no longer with them: he took his own life during the previous semester. His classmates remember him and struggle to process their loss…
Director of Photography
“映像の魔術師”ロイ・アンダーソン監督が本作で描くのは、時代も年齢も異なる人々が織りなす悲喜劇。構図・色彩・美術と細部まで計算し尽くし、全33シーンすべてをワンシーンワンカットで撮影した。実在の名画の数々からインスパイアされた美術品のような贅沢な映像にのせて「千夜一夜物語」(アラビアンナイト)の語り手を彷彿とさせるナレーションが物語へと誘う。さらに、ビリー・ホリデイ、ザ・デルタ・リズム・ボーイズなど時代を超えて愛される歌声も登場。映画に彩りを与え、ロマンティックな雰囲気を纏わせる。 この世に絶望し、信じるものを失った牧師。戦禍に見舞われた街を上空から眺めるカップル…悲しみは永遠のように感じられるが、長くは続かない。これから愛に出会う青年。陽気な音楽にあわせて踊るティーンエイジャー…幸せはほんの一瞬でも、永遠に心に残り続ける―。人類には愛がある、希望がある。だから、悲劇に負けずに生きていける。悲しみと喜びを繰り返してきた不器用で愛おしい人類の姿を万華鏡のように映したアンダーソン監督渾身の傑作が、遂に日本に上陸する!
The Dog
Director of Photography
When Albin lands a much-wanted acting job, he doesn't hesitate to make it his top priority in life. But he's still not clear about what the job entails.
The Discomfort Has to Be Compensated
Director of Photography
A group of old friends reunite for an evening. Something ugly is bubbling up to the surface.
The Developer
The scene is an alternative Budapest, with a special kind of dictatorship controlled by a company group called the Golden Dimension. Lens is dark, cynical character of this world. With his special ability, he can burn the pictures of the past and the future into photosensitive paper. He sells his ability as an outlaw private detective or cheap showman.