Additional Voices (voice)
Additional Voices (voice)
Additional Voices (voice)
なぜ、エルサに力は与えられたのか――。 命がけの妹アナによって、閉ざした心を開き、“触れるものすべてを凍らせてしまう力”をコントロールできるようになったエルサは、雪と氷に覆われたアレンデール王国に温かな陽光を取り戻した。そして再び城門を閉じることはないと約束した。それから3年――。 深い絆で結ばれたアナとエルサの姉妹は、王国を治めながら、失われた少女時代を取り戻すかのように、気の置けない仲間たちと平穏で幸せな日々を送っていた。しかしある日、エルサだけが“不思議な歌声”を聴く。その歌声に導かれ、仲間のクリストフやオラフと共に旅に出たアナとエルサは、エルサの持つ“力”の秘密を解き明かすため、数々の試練に立ち向かう。果たしてなぜ力はエルサだけに与えられたのか。そして姉妹の知られざる過去の“謎”とは? 旅の終わりに、待ち受けるすべての答えとは――。
Additional Voices (voice)
ロサンゼルス市警察の911(緊急通報用電話番号)のオペレーター・ジョーダンは、不法侵入者に怯える少女レイアからの緊急電話を受けた際、わずかな判断ミスにより彼女を救えず(携帯電話が切れた時のジョーダンからの発信音で少女は男に見つかり、誘拐され殺害されてしまう)、自責の念に苛まれ、オペレーターを辞める決意を固めた。 その半年後、研修生の指導にあたっていたジョーダンは、何者かに拉致されて移動する車のトランクの中から助けを求める少女ケイシーの緊急通報を受ける。彼女はシリアルキラー(病で頭髪が抜けながら死んだ姉と同じ少女の美しい金髪に執着する狂人)に誘拐されて彼が運転する車のトランクに閉じ込められ、その中から緊急通報してきたのだ。経験豊富なジョーダンは、すぐにケイシーが緊迫した状況であることを察知、彼女に指示を与える。 やがてジョーダンは、ジョーダンに捨て台詞を吐いたその誘拐犯マイケル・フォスターの声が、レイアを拉致した殺人鬼と同じである事に気付き、自身の葛藤を抱えながらケイシーの救出に乗り出していく。
When EJ Henderson discovers the truth about his mother, his life begins to spiral out of control. EJ realizes that he can only control the present when he learns to deal with his past. Inspired by true events.
Wendy Raquel Robinson and Dorien Wilson star in this sexy comedy about a married family man whose obsession with a seductive beauty threatens to undue everything he's worked towards for the last twenty years. Ronald Sams (Wilson) has lusted after the flirtatious sexpot they call Peaches (Robinson) for a good two decades. After a chance meeting with the object of his lusty affections, the once-devoted family man becomes singularly fixated on making his deepest fantasies a reality. But what Ronald doesn't realize that despite her saccharine name and seductive smile, this stunner isn't so sweet on the inside - in fact, she's downright dangerous. Increasingly isolated from his friends and family as a result of his longtime hang-up, Ronald must now scramble to make things right with those he loves before jealousy and hurt feelings lead to long-term resentment.
Wendy Raquel Robinson and Dorien Wilson star in this sexy comedy about a married family man whose obsession with a seductive beauty threatens to undue everything he's worked towards for the last twenty years. Ronald Sams (Wilson) has lusted after the flirtatious sexpot they call Peaches (Robinson) for a good two decades. After a chance meeting with the object of his lusty affections, the once-devoted family man becomes singularly fixated on making his deepest fantasies a reality. But what Ronald doesn't realize that despite her saccharine name and seductive smile, this stunner isn't so sweet on the inside - in fact, she's downright dangerous. Increasingly isolated from his friends and family as a result of his longtime hang-up, Ronald must now scramble to make things right with those he loves before jealousy and hurt feelings lead to long-term resentment.
The leader of an organized criminal enterprise and four professional arm robbers pull off a successful score of seven million dollars. Along the way the money is stolen by one of the robbers, the rest of the crew wants their cut and the leader is on a killing rampage to find out who stole the stolen money.
Craft Service
A young doctor is suspected when a series of Jack the Ripper copycat killings is committed. However, when the doctor himself is murdered, his identical twin brother claims to have seen visions of the true killer.
Baby Cakes
Young high school couple Darcy Elliot and Stan Bobrucz are one year from graduation, with promising futures ahead of them. But their paths take a drastic turn when Darcy becomes pregnant. Unwilling to go through an abortion or an adoption — despite their parents' pleas — Darcy and Stan decide to sacrifice their college experiences and degrees in order to keep and raise the baby. After a quick marriage, the two realize it won't be as easy as they thought.
Baseemah Abdul
Muslimah Mohammed has seven days before she will be officially divorced from Musa Mohammed. Knowing that her divorce would upset her Muslim father, Muslimah works diligently to try to fix her broken marriage before it is too late.