Dayna Lee


Dead Man
Set Decoration
A fatally wounded white man is found by an outcast Native American who prepares him for the afterlife.
Set Decoration
Workaholic Thomas Johnson dies in an auto accident and comes back to life as a dog. Remembering some of who he was, he returns to his wife and son to protect them from the man who caused his accident. But, as time goes by, he remembers more of his life, and realizes he wasn't such a good husband and father.
Set Decoration
ブルース・リーの生涯をリンダ夫人の著書「ブルース・リー・ストーリー」と『燃えよドラゴン』の監督ロバート・クローズの著書“Bruce Lee: The Beginning”を原作に映画化。 ブルース・リーが自分や息子ブランドンを狙う悪魔の幻影を見るという場面を折り込む事によって、彼の悲劇的運命を強調する効果を上げている(ブランドン・リーもこの映画の公開前に事故死した)。 ブルース・リーを演じたジェイソン・スコット・リーはこれ以来、ブルース・リー本人も行っていた截拳道のトレーニングを行なっている。
Art Direction
Set in 1969, a twelve-year-old grows up in Key West with his mother, who is paying the bills by stripping at the local topless bar. The boy finds out about her activities and tries to convince her to stop, to no avail. A local restaurant owner hires him to collect fish from a boat out in the bay, and the boy discovers that the restaurant owner is using the fish to bring drugs in to shore. He steals one load and goes about selling it so his mother can afford to quit her job.
Set Dresser
Wise Guys
Birthday Guest
Harry Valentini and Moe Dickstein are both errand boys for the Mob. When they lose $250,000, they are set up to kill each other. But they run off to Atlantic City and comedy follows.