Bogdan Talpeanu


End of a Gun
First Assistant Camera
A mall security guard—and former federal agent—crosses paths with a drug kingpin's enforcer after the guard saves a woman from danger.
First Assistant Camera
伝説の勇者マサイアスは、王暗殺の汚名を着せられ、たくらんだ悪の王位継承者に追われる身 に。そんな時ミステリアスな女性と出会い、彼女と一緒に世界征服ができるほどの力を持つ秘 宝を探すことに。そして、敵も秘宝とそのパワーを手に入れようとしていた。立ちはだかる強 大な敵に、マサイアスはひとり立ち向かうのであった。
Clapper Loader
After a group of biologists discovers a huge network of unexplored caves in Romania and, believing it to be an undisturbed eco-system that has produced a new species, they hire the best American team of underwater cave explorers in the world. While exploring deeper into the underwater caves, a rockslide blocks their exit, and they soon discover a larger carnivorous creature has added them to its food chain.
Clapper Loader
Based on the true events of the only case in US History where a spirit caused the death of a man.
A Trip to the City
A shy teacher and a versatile driver from a small vilage are gonig to town send by the mayor to bring a computer for the Mayoralty and a lavatory for the mayor, but things don't end like they suposed to.