Lee Spencer

Lee Spencer

出生 : , Greensboro, North Carolina, USA


Lee Spencer


Stunt Double
ドミニクはレティと息子ブライアンの3人で静かに暮らしていたが、彼らの前に未だかつてないほどの破壊的な敵が現れる。ダンテは昔ドミニクたちがブラジルで倒した麻薬王レイエスの息子であり、家族も未来も奪われた代償を払わせるため、復讐の炎を10年間燃やし続けていたのだった。ダンテの陰謀により散り散りに仲を引き裂かれる"ファミリー"たち。そしてドミニクが愛する全ての者を奪おうとするダンテが最後に向けた矛先は... 果たしてファミリーの運命は!?
Council President
Shadow People
Dan and Gretchen, a couple with a secretive past and a failing relationship, rent a guest house from another couple in California's San Fernando Valley. But jealousy and betrayal turn a casual friendship into a game of manipulation and deception.
Bandit Bandit
Assigned to deliver a prototype car to a press conference for the Governor, things are complicated by a fraudulent Bandit who ends up stealing Bandit's rig AND the prototype. Now Bandit has to find out who's out to ruin his life and recover the car before the Governor's career is crucified by Big Bob on his radio show and while avoiding a determined Sheriff Buford Enright.
Foot #1
The Turtles and the Shredder battle once again, this time for the last cannister of the ooze that created the Turtles, which Shredder wants to create an army of new mutants.